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| aizu | 合図 | signal |
| akagami | 赤紙 | conscription notice, call-up papers |
| angô | 暗号 | cipher |
| angô dempô | 暗号電報 | cipher telegram |
| angôfu | 暗合符 | cipher code |
| anshô | 暗礁 | reef, sunken rock |
| antena | アンテナ | antenna |
| anzen chitai | 安全地帯 | safety zone (Note: See "senchi" ) |
| anzen shingô | 安全信号 | safety signal |
| arasu | 荒ラス | to ravage, loot |
| asase | 浅瀬 | shallows, shoal (Note: Appears frequently on marine and coastal maps) |
| atsumaru | 集マル | to assemble (Note: E.g: "Atsumare!" ( Fall in!)) |
| baei hôhei | 馬曳砲兵 | horse-drawn artillery |
| bagu | 馬具 | harness |
| baidoku | 梅毒 | syphilis, venereal disease |
| baikin | 黴菌 | bacteria |
| baikokudo | 売国奴 | traitor |
| bajutsu | 馬術 | horsemanship, riding |
| bakuchin | 爆沈 | to sink (an enemy vessel) |
| bakudan | 爆弾 | bomb (aerial) |
| bakudan kôgeki | 爆弾攻撃 | bombing attack (aerial) |
| bakuen | 爆煙 | smoke (from a bomb burst) |
| bakufun | 爆粉 | detonating powder |
| bakugeki chûtai | 爆撃中隊 | bomber squadron |
| bakugeki mokuhyô | 爆撃目標 | bombing objective |
| bakugekiki | 爆撃機 | bomber (aeroplane) |
| bakugekishu | 爆撃手 | bombardier |
| bakuha | 爆破 | demolition (with explosives) |
| bakuhatsu | 爆発 | explosion, blast |
| bakuretsu ryûdan | 爆裂榴弾 | high explosive shell |

The AJRP has wound up its activities at the Memorial for the moment.
Please contact the relevant officer of the Australian War Memorial for assistance.
Internet implementation by Fulton Technology and AJRP staff .
Visit the Australian War Memorial home page.