The AJRP is seeking suitably qualified persons as possible contributors to our database and/or website. We are interested in hearing from researchers or scholars who are familiar with source materials dealing with the Australia-Japan relationship, especially those relating to the wartime relationship. We envisage contributors submitting descriptions of these source materials to be compiled as database records.
We are also interested in contacting people who feel they can provide content for the website that may assist researchers. This may take the form of links to other websites, research guides, bibliographies, or secondary materials relating to the aims of the project.
If you fall into one of the above categories, or would like further information, please contact the project by mail, fax or email.
Contributors will be acknowledged on the AJRP website, and will have contributed to the project's aim of supporting historical research into the relationship between Australia and Japan.
 | The Australia-Japan Research Project
Military History Section
Australian War Memorial
GPO Box 345
Canberra ACT 2601
 | +61-2-6243 4325 (fax) |
 | |