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| 7th Air Division (Japanese) |
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| | Item - Historical documents for the 7th Air Division (series Army campaign reports and records): ?/?/1941 to ?/?/1945 | |
| 8th Area Army Medical Services Section (Japanese) |
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| 8th Area Army (Japanese) |
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| 8th Army (Japanese) |
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| South Seas Force (Japanese) |
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| the 17th Army (Japanese) |
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| the 47th Airfield Bn (Japanese) |
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| Miscelleneous |
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| Newsletter |
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| Newspaper |
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| Newspaper article |
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| Nominal roll |
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| Notebook |
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| Notice |
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| Official diary |
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| organisational chart |
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| Paybook |
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| Personal diary |
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| Personal notebook |
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| Personnel and equipment list |
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| Personnel list |
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| Photograph |
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| Pocketbook |
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| Report |
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| Savings book |
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| Serial |
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| Service certificate |
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| Service record |
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| Song book |
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