Australia–Japan Research Project at the Australian War Memorial
Research essay
Unit histories of Japanese forces in Papua and New Guinea - Bibliography, by Dr Hiromitsu IWAMOTO
(1) List of Army unit histories
1. Infantry Units
a) Books
Hatchûkai (8th Company Association) (ed.), Shôen no nioi: Hohei Dai 229 Rentai Dai 8 Chûtai shi (Odor of smoke of the explosion of gunpowder: History of the 8th Company of the 229th Infantry Regiment), Kukukawa–cho, 1979.
Ho 80 Kai (80th Infantry Association) (ed.), Hohei Dai 80 Rentai shi (History of the 80th Infantry Regiment), 1977.
Ho 80 Kai Rengôkai (80th Infantry Combined Association) (ed.), Hohei Dai 80 Rentai shi: Tôbu Nyûginia sensen (History of the 80th Infantry Regiment: Eastern New Guinea front), Tokyo, 1981.
Hohei Dai 10 Rentai Shi Kankôkai (Publishing Committee of the 10th Infantry Regiment History) (ed.), Hohei Dai 10 Rentai shi (History of the 10th Infantry Regiment), Okayama, 1974.
Hohei Dai 39 Rentai Shi Henshû Iinkai (Editorial Committee of the 39th Infantry Regiment History) (ed.), Hohei Dai 39 Rentai shi (History of the 39th Infantry Regiment), Himeji, 1983.
Hohei Dai 45 Rentai Shi Hensan Iinkai (Compilation Committee of the 45th Infantry Regiment History) (ed.), Hohei Dai 45 Rentai shi (History of the 45th Infantry Regiment), Tokyo, 1981.
Hohei Dai 53 Rentai Shi Henshû Iinkai (Editorial Committee of the 53rd Infantry Regiment History) (ed.), Hohei Dai 53 Rentai shi (History of the 53rd Infantry Regiment), Osaka, 1981.
Hohei Dai 63 Rentai Shi Kankôkai (Publishing Committee of the 63rd Infantry Regiment History) (ed.), Hohei Dai 63 Rentai shi (History of the 63rd Infantry Regiment), Matsue, 1974.
Hohei Dai 78 Rentai Shi Hensan Iinkai (Compilation Committee of the 78th Infantry Regiment History) (ed.), Hohei Dai 78 Rentai shi (Asa 22 Butai) (History of the 45th Infantry Regiment (Asa 22 Unit)), Tokyo, 1983.
Hohei Dai 79 Rentai Shi Hensan Iinkai (Compilation Committee of the 79th Infantry Regiment History) (ed.), Hohei Dai 79 Rentai shi (History of the 79th Infantry Regiment), Tokyo, 1984.
Hohei Dai 81 Rentai Shi Hensan Iinkai (Compilation Committee of the 81st Infantry Regiment History) (ed.), Hohei Dai 81 Rentai shi (History of the 81st Infantry Regiment), Osaka, 1985.
Hohei Dai 144 Rentai Senki Henshû Iinkai (Editorial committee of the 144th Infantry Regiment History) (ed.), Hohei Dai 144 Rentai senki (History of 144th Infantry Regiment), Kochi, 1974.
Hohei Dai 228 Rentai Shi Kankôkai (Publishing Committee of the 228th Infantry Regiment History) (ed.), Hohei Dai 228 Rentai shi (History of 228th Infantry Regiment), Nagoya, 1973.
Hohei Dai 229 Rentai Shi Hensan Iinkai (Compilation Committee of the 229th Infantry Regiment History) (ed.), Hohei Dai 229 Rentai shi (History of the 229th Infantry Regiment), Nagoya, 1981.
Hohei Dai 230 Rentai Sen’yûkai (The 230th Regiment Comrades Association) (ed.), Senso no ayumi (Walk of war), Shizuoka, 1972.
IDE Masao, Hohei Dai 41 Rentai Nyûginiasen senkyo hôkoku (Report of the 41st Infantry Regiment’s battles in New Guinea) , 1970.
KAWASHIMA Goro, Asa Dai 2055 Butai (Hohei Dai 80 Rentai) Tôbu Nyûginia sen no kaikoroku (Asa 2055 Unit (80th Infantry Regiment): Recollection of battles in Eastern New Guinea) , n.d.
Moto Butai 02 Kai (Moto Unit 02 Association) (ed.), 02 Butai kaku tatakaeri Hohei Dai 66 Rentai shi (How 02 Unit fought: history of the 66th Infantry Regiment), Utsunomiya, 1981.
NOTOMI Hisao (ed.), Hohei Dai 170 Rentai heitai no tsuzuru senki (The 170th Infantry Regiment: Battle history written by a soldier), Osaka: Keizai–hairaito, 1985.
Shôwa 16 Nen 12 Gatsu Tsuitachi Nyûei 40 Shûnen Kinen Kikan Dônenkai (Fortieth Anniversary Alumni Association of Draftees of 1 December 1941) (ed.), Dai 38 Shidan Hohei Dai 228 Rentai Hoheihôtai Shôwa 16 nen chôshû gen’ekihei no sokuseki (Footprints of the 228th Infantry Artillery of the 38th Division: draftees of 1941), Nagoya, 1981.
b) Periodical articles
OSHIRO Chikaichi, “Bugenbirutô irei junpai narabini Hohei Dai 45 Rentai Soromon senshi genchi tosa shuzai kiroku (Memorial trip to Bougainville and record of research for the battle history of the 45th Infantry Regiment in the Solomons)”, Soromon (Solomon) 28 (1984): 7–58
TAKAHASHI Ryoichi, “Zoku gyakujôriku shimatsu ki hensei kaisei igô no Miwa Butai (History of the counter–offensive, part 2: the Miwa Unit after reorganization)”, Soromon (Solomon) 42 (1990): 7–40
2. Kyôdo Butai (Units that were formed in particular areas in Japan)
a) Books
Dai 1 Chûtai Sen’yûkai (The 1st Company Comrades Association) (ed.), Fukuyama Hohei Dai 141 Rentai Dai 1 Chûtai shi (History of the 1st Company of the Fukuyama 141st Infantry Regiment), Tokyo: Shueisha, 1982.
Hamada Rentai Shashinshû Hensan Iinkai (Compilation Committee of the Hamada Regiment Photograph Collection) (ed.), Hamada Rentai shashinshû (Collection of photographs of the Hamada Regiment), Tokyo: Tosho Kankokai, 1979.
Ho 21 Kai (21st Infantry Association) (ed.), Hamada Rentai shi (History of the Hamada Regiment), Hamada, 1973.
IIZUKA Eiji, Utsunomiya Shichôhei Rentai totsugeki su (The charging Utsunomiya Army Service Corps Regiment), Utsunomiya, 1971.
KAMIYAMA Sanji, Aa Hyôgo Heidan (Ah, Hyogo Army Corps), Kobe: Nojigiku Bunko, 1969.
KAMIYAMA Sanji, Zoku Aa Hyôgo Heidan (Ah, Hyogo Army Corps: part 2), Kobe: Nojigiku Bunko, 1970.
Kumamoto Nichi Nichi Shinbunsha (Kumamoto Daily Newspaper) (ed.), Kumamoto Heidan shi Taiheiyô sensô hen (History of the Kumamoto Army Corps in the Pacific War), Kumamoto, 1965.
Kumamoto Nichi Nichi Shinbunsha (Kumamoto Daily Newspaper) (ed.), Kumamoto Heidan shi Shina jihen izen hen (History of the Kumamoto Army Corps before the China Incident), Kumamoto, 1965.
Miyakonojo Hohei Dai 23 Rentai Senki Henshû Iinkai (Editorial Committee of the Miyakonojo 23rd Infantry Regiment Battle History), Miyakonojo Hohei Dai 23 Rentai Senki (Battle History of Miyakonojo 23rd Infantry Regiment), Miyazaki, 1978.
Okayama–ken (Okayama Prefecture) (ed.), Okayama–ken kyôdo butai shi (History of Okayama Prefectural units), Okayama: Okayama–ken Kyôdo Butai Shi Kankôkai, 1966.
Tottori Sôgô Rentai Shi Kankô Iinkai (Publishing Committee of the Tottori Combined Regiment History) (ed.), Tottori Sôgô Rentai shi (History of the Tottori Combined Regiment), Tottori, 1983.
Tottori Rentai Shahinshû Henshû Iinkai (Editorial Committee of the Photograph Collection of the Tottori Regiment) (ed.), Tottori Rentai shashinshû (Collection of photographs of the Tottori Regiment), Tottori, 1981.
Toyama Rentai Shi Kankôkai (Publishing Committee of the Toyama Regiment History) (ed.), Toyama Rentai shi (History of the Toyama Regiment), Toyama, 1983.
b) Periodical articles
OSHIRO Chikaichi, “Kagoshima Hohei Dai 45 Rentai to dai 2 ji Tarokina sakusen (The Kagoshima 45th Infantry Regiment and the second Torokina operation)”, Taiheiyô shôgen shirizu 1 Maru Bessatsu (Maru Supplement: Testimonies of the Pacific War) 1 (1985): 396–411.
TSUTSUYA Toshikazu, “Miyakonojo Hohei Dai 23 Rentai Bugenbirutô senki (Battle history of the Miyakonojo 23rd Infantry Regiment in Bougainville)”, Taiheiyô shôgen shirizu 1 Maru Bessatsu (Maru Supplement: Testimonies of the Pacific War) 1 (1985): 341–359.
YANAGIBA Yutaka, “Tosa Rentai Pôto Moresubi kôryakuki (History of the Tosa Regiment’s offensive against Port Moresby)”, Taiheiyô shôgen shirizu 2 Maru Bessatsu (Maru Supplement: Testimonies of the Pacific War) 2 (1986):37–51.
3. Anti–aircraft artillery unit
a) Books
HANEDA Masami, Senka ni kemuru minami jûjisei: Yasen Kôshahôtai no kaisô (Southern Cross hazed by war fire: memoirs of the Field Anti–Aircraft Artillery Unit), Tokyo: Senshi Kankokai, 1985.
ISODA Koichi (ed.), Rabauru no ano hi ano toki: Yakô 60 Daitai 2AA shi (That day and that time in Rabaul – history of the 60th Field Artillery Battalion 2AA), Matsue, 1983.
Kôshahôhei Kai (Association of Anti–aircraft Artillery Soldiers) (ed.), Kôshahôhei senshi Shôwa 55 nen ban (The 1980 History of Anti–aircraft Artillery Soldiers), Shizuoka, 1980.
MUROSAKI Naonori, Tôbu Nyûginia kôshahôtai tsuioku ki (Memories of the Anti–aircraft Artillery Unit in eastern New Guinea), Tokyo: Senshi Kankokai, 1984.
NAKABAYASHI Kohei, Rabauru Kôshahô senki (Battle History of the Rabaul Anti–aircraft Artillery Unit) , 1982.
SATO Hiromasa, Lae no ishi Rikugun Kôshahôtai ichi: heishi no Nyûginia senki (Stone of Lae: Army Anti–aircraft Artillery solder’s battle history), Kojinsha, Tokyo, 1995.
a) Periodical articles
FUJITA Yoshiyuki, “Tarokina no shito Yasen Kôsha Kikanhô Dai 1 Chûtai senki (Fight to the death at Torokina: battle history of the 1st Field Anti–aircraft Machine Gun Company)”, Sen’yû (Comrades) 3 (1969): 2–16.
SUGAWARA Juro, “Soromon sentô shôhô, Boto Bôkûtai no kiroku: Yasen Kôshahô Dai 59 Daitai Dai 3 Chûtai no maki (Selected report of Solomon operation, record of Bougainville Anti–aircraft Defense Unit: the 3rd Company of the 59th Field Anti–aircraft Artillery Battalion)”, Sen’yû (Comrades) 3 (1969): 30–31.
YAMAMOTO Shoto, “Bandon Maru no saigo – Kôshahô 59 Daitai senki (1) (The end of Bandon Maru: battle history of the 59th Anti–aircraft Artillery Battalion)”, Sen’yû (Comrades) 2 (1968): 19–23.
4. Fighter Unit
a) Books
KAKUTA Takayoshi, Shidenkai sentôkitai samurai senki (Warrior's memories of the Shiden fighter unit), Kojinsha, Tokyo, 1991.
b) Periodical articles
HARAGUCHI Kichigoro, “Soretsu bakuso Hayabusa sentai (Brave fighting of the Hayabusa Air Unit)”, Tokushû Maru (Maru Special) 2, no.1 (1958): 47–52.
ISHIZUKA Noriyasu, “Hayabusa 11 sentai no higeki (Tragedy of the 11th Hayabusa Fighting Unit)”, Tokushû Maru (Maru Special) 2, no.1 (1958): 84–86.
KAJINAMI Susumu, “Uewaku sanchu no kuchu sen hien sento–tai Dai funsen–ki (Dogfight in the sky over Wewak mountains: the brave fight of the Hien Fighting Unit)”, Maru 21, no.14 (1968): 220–227
KOYAMA Susumu, “Dai 68 hien sentai uewaku joku no usabarashi (Diversion of the 68th Hien Fighting Unit in the sky over Wewak)”, Maru 14, no.10 (1961): 146–151.
MIURA Izumi, “Rabauru no sora to shishushita Hientai shimatsu (History of the Hien Unit that defended the sky of Rabaul to the last)”, Maru 25, no.9 (1972): 112–117.
OISHI Masayuki, “Rikugun Rabauru Kôkûtai no shito (Desperate struggle of the Rabaul Army Air Corps)”, Maru 10, no.4 (1957): 63–73.
OISHI Masayuki, “Rikugun Rabauru Kôkûtai no shitô (Desperate struggle of the Rabaul Army Air Corps)”, Maru 21, no.4 (1968): 229–239.
5. Signals Unit
a) Books
Dai 41 Shidan Shidan Tsûshintai Sen’yûkai (Comrades’ Association of the Signals Unit of the 41st Division) (ed.), Dai 41 Shidan Shidan Tsûshintai kaisôroku senjin no kaisô (Recollections of the Signals Unit of the 41st Division: memories of the war), Mito, 1992.
Dokuyû 91 Rabauru Sen’yûkai (Veterans’ Association of the Rabaul 91st Independent Wire Company) (ed.), Dokuritsu Yûsen 91 Chûtai shi: harukanaru Rabauru (History of the 91st Independent Wire Company: Rabaul far away), Tokyo, 1982.
Den 3 Kai (The 3rd Telegraph Regiment Association) (ed.), 1993, Denshin Dai 3 Rentai shi, Tsuioku (History of the 3rd Telegraph Regiment: memories), Kochi, n.d.
Hohei Dai 144 Rentai Tsûshin Chûtai Shi Hensan Iinkai (Compilation Committee for the History of the Signals Company of the 144th Infantry Regiment) (ed.), Hohei Dai 144 Rentai Tsûshin Chûtai shi (History of the 144th Infantry Regiment Signals Company), Kochi, 1974.
KONDO Yutaka (ed.), Denshin Dai 3 Rentai shi (History of the 3rd Telegraph Regiment), Kochi, 1978.
KOYAMA Gen (ed.), Ho 228 Rentai Tsûshin shi (History of the 229th Infantry Signals Regiment), Nagoya: Nanshikai, 1976.
Rabauru Sentsû Kai (Rabaul Sea Signals Association) (ed.), Rabaul omoide no ki, Dai 6 shû (Record of memories of Rabaul, vol.6), 1988.
Solomon Denshin Kai (Solomon Telegraph Association), Solomon–gun musentai no kiroku (Record of the Solomon Wireless Unit), Tokyo, 1983.
6. Artillery Unit
a) Books
Ho 26 Kai (The 26th Field Artillery Regiment Association) (ed.), Yahohei Dai 26 Rentai Tôbu Nyûginia kessenki (The 26th Field Artillery Regiment: history of bloody battles in Eastern New Guinea), Yokohama, 1984.
SAITO Ichiro (ed.), Yasen Jûho Dai 7 Rentai shi (History of the 7th Field Heavy Artillery Regiment), Tokyo, 1973.
Yajû 4 Rentai Shi Hensan Iinkai (Editorial Committee of the History of 4th Field Heavy Artillery Regiment) (ed.), Yasen Jûhohei Dai 4 Rentai shi (History of the 4th Field Heavy Artillery Regiment), Tokyo, 1980.
YAMAMOTO Katsue, Sanpôtai dekunobo monogatari: aru nômin heishi no taiken (Story of useless Mountain Artillery Unit: a farmer soldier’s experience), Tokyo: Senshi–kako–kai, 1985.
b) Periodical articles
OSHIRO Chikaichi, “Minagoroshi no senjo Tarokina ni kieta hoheitai (Battle field of annihilation: the Artillery Unit that vanished at Torokina)”, Maru 23, no.8 (1970): 92–97.
MATSUDA Kiyoshi, “Doku Kon 38 Hoheitai no sento (Battle of the 38th Independent Combined Artillery Unit)”, Soromon (Solomon) 36 (1988): 34–44
YABUKI Akira, “Aa yasen jûhotai Soromon kessenki (Ah, history of bloody battles of the Field Heavy Artillery Unit in the Solomons)”, Maru 23, no.8 (1970): 86–91.
7. Medical Unit
a) Books
ISHIZAKI Toru (ed.), Nankai Tomo no Kai senki (Dai 1 shû) (Battle history of the South Sea Comrades’ Association (vol. 1)), Utsunomiya: Nankai tomo no kai, 1983.
ISHIZAKI Toru (ed.), Nankai Tomo no Kai senki (Dai 2 shû) (Battle History of the South Sea Comrades’ Association (vol. 2)), Utsunomiya: Nankai Tomo no Kai, 1985.
ISHIZAKI Toru (ed.), Nankai tomo no Kai senki (Dai 3 shû) (Battle History of the South Sea Comrades’ Association (vol. 3)), Utsunomiya: Nankai Tomo no Kai, 1987.
SHIBATA Zenzo (ed.), Nyûginia no kaisô: Hohei Dai 224 Rentai Eiseitai (Recollections of New Guinea: Medical Unit of the 224th Infantry Regiment), Tendo: Mafin Yabuta Kai, 1985.
b) Periodical articles
NAKAZONO Junko, “Bugenbirutô Dai 76 Heitan Byôin ikotsu shushuki (Report of bone collecting for the 76th Line of Communication Hospital in Bougainville)”, Soromon (Solomon) 10 (1978): 34.
OKUMURA Hidenosuke, “Kanja Yûsôtai (Bearer Unit)”, Soromon (Solomon) 36 (1988): 46–49.
8. Engineer Unit
a) Books
Kôhei Dai 2 Rentai Senki Henshû Iinkai (Editorial Committee of the 2nd Engineer Regiment History) (ed.), Kôhei Dai 2 Rentai Senki (History of the 2nd Engineer Regiment), Tokyo, 1978.
Kôhei Dai 6 Rentai Shi Hensan Iinkai (Compilation Committee of the 6th Engineer Regiment History) (ed.), Kôhei Dai 6 Rentai shi (History of the 6th Engineer Regiment), Kumamoto, 1978.
MATSUI Norimasa, Waga senki (Our war history), Shimane, 1982.
NAKANO Seika (ed.), Kaisô Tôbu Nyûginia sen (zenki) Dokuritsu Kôhei Dai 37 Rentai (Memories of battles in Eastern New Guinea (first phase): the 37th Independent Engineer Regiment), Nagasaki, 1994.
NAKANO Seika (ed.), Kaisô Tôbu Nyûginia sen (kôki) Dokuritsu Kôhei Dai 37 Rentai (Memories of battles in Eastern New Guinea (second phase): the 37th Independent Engineer Regiment), Nagasaki, 1994.
b) Periodical articles
SHIROKABE Sadaharu, “Kôheitai hibun Yokoyama Senkentai kantoki (Secret story of the Engineering Unit: history of brave fight of Yokoyama Detachment)”, Soromon (Solomon) 30 (1986): 60–67.
9. Division History
a) Books
ONO Koichi, Dai 40 Shidan (Kujira Butai) Dai 55 Shidan (Tate Butai) senshi gaiyô (Outline of the history of the 40th Division (Kujira Unit) and the 55th Division (Tate Unit)), Takamatsu: Senshi Kakokai, 1969.
SUZUKI Motoaki, Tôbu Nyûginia Dai 51 Shidan: Rae saigo no sentô to Sarawaketto goe (The 51st Division in Eastern New Guinea: last battle at Lae and crossing Sarawaket), Tokyo, 1990.
TAKI Toshiro (ed.), Gadarukanaru to Rabauru: Ana no 38 Shidan (Guadalcanal and Rabaul: the 38th Division in Ana), Nagoya: Chunichi Kogyo, 1965.
b) Periodical articles
ARAGANE Toshio, “Gekisen no shima Gatô no kessen e chûshi yori mawasareta waga Dai 6 Shidan (Our 6th Division that was sent from Central China to the bloody battle in Guadalcanal: the island of a fierce fighting)”, Soromon (Solomon) 2 (1975): 43–45.
KURAHARA Tadakazu, “Dai 6 Shidan no kishitsu ni tsuite (Character of the 6th Division)”, Sen’yû (Comrades) 9 (1970): 41–47.
10. Regiment History
a) Books
KAJITSUKA Kikuo, Shinu koto to mitsuketari: Kawa 3565 Butai senki (Find a way to die: history of Kawa 3565 Unit (238th Infantry Regiment)), Tokyo: Moto Hohei 238 Rentai Sen’yûkai, 1965.
Natsuyukai (Natsuyu Association) (ed.), Natsu Butai no sokuseki (Footprints of the Natsu Unit: Batan and Rabaul), Fukuyama, 1981.
Okayama Rentai Shashinshû Hensan Iinkai (Compilation Committee of the Okayama Regiment Photograph Collection) (ed.), Okayama Rentai shashinshû (Photograph collection of the Okayama Regiment), Tokyo: Tosho Kakokai, 1978.
OSHIMA Yoshiro, Saraba Rabauru: saigo no 209 Rentai (Goodbye Rabaul: the last of the 209th Regiment), Nagoya: Fukufukukai Nagoya Chihô Renrakujo, 1967.
b) Periodical articles
FURUYA Masafumi, “Hohei 229 Rentai no saigo gunki hosho ki (The end of the 229th Infantry Regiment: a record of burning the regimental standard)”, Soromon (Solomon) 7 (1977): 33–44.
SHINODA Masuo, “Hohei Dai 66 Rentai to Saramoa boeisen (The 66th Infantry Regiment and the defensive battle at Salamaua)”, Taiheiyô shôgen shirizu 2 Maru Bessatsu (Maru Supplement: Testimonies of the Pacific War) 2 (1986): 200–216.
11. Air force Unit
a) Books
Nyûginia Hien Kai (New Guinea Hien Association), Dai 14 Hikôdan Butai shi (History of the 14th Air Unit)”, Kobe, 1977.
Rabauru Nyûginia Rikugun Kôkû Butai Kai (Association of Rabaul and New Guinea Army Air Units) (ed.), Maboroshi: Nyûginia kôkû sen no jisso (Illusion: the reality of air war in New Guinea), Tokyo, 1986.
SHIRANE Yuzo, Ware ozora ni chiran: shonen hikôtai senki (We die gallantly in the sky: a history of the youthful air unit), Tokyo: Nihon bunkasha, 1970.
b) Periodical articles
SASAO Hiroshi, “Rikugun Rabauru Kôkûtai no shito (Desperate fight of the Army Air Force at Rabaul)”, Tokushû Maru (Maru Special) 1, no.2 (1957): 166–176.
SUDO Einosuke, “Dai 7 Hiko Shidan wa ikani tatakatta ka zai: Nyûginia Rikugun Butai no sentô kiroku (How the 7th Air Division fought: history of Army Units in New Guinea)”, Tokushû Maru (Maru Special) 2, no.1 (1957): 157–165.
TAKAGI Sakuyuki, “Dai 4 koku–gun kaku tatakaeri (The 4th Air Force fought like this)”, Taiheiyô shogen shirizu 2 Maru Bessatsu (Maru Supplement: Testimonies of the Pacific War) 2 (1986): 176–199.
12. Army service corps unit
a) Books
Fushimi 17 Nen Kai Tsuisôroku Henshu Iinkai (Editorial Committee for Recollections of the 1942 Fushimi Anniversary Association) (ed.), Rabauru Shichûhei Dai 38 Rentai Showa 17 nen hei no tsuisôroku (Recollections of the Rabaul 38th Army Service Corps Regiment by Draftees of 1942), Kariya , 1993.
KODA Rokuro (ed.), Shi 38 tsuisôroku (Memories of the 38th Army Service Corps Regiment), Tokyo: Tabuna Kai, 1965.
NAKAMURA Asatsugu (ed.), Tsuioku Shichûhei Dai 17 Rentai (Tsuki 7390) (Reminiscences of the 17th Army Service Corps Regiment (Tsuki 7390)), Osaka, 1981.
b) Periodical articles
OKUMURA Hidenosuke, 1988, “Zensen ryomatsu tanso–tai (The Unit that carried supplies to the front)”, Soromon (Solomon), No.37, (): 14–20
13. Anti–aircraft search light unit
a) Books
Sho 2 Sen’yû–kai (Association of the 2nd Search Light Company) (ed.), 1973, Dokuritsu yasen shoku Dai 2 Chûtai (The 2nd Independent Field Search Light Company)
b) Periodical articles
Editors, “Kaisetsu shôkûtai no aramashi (Commentary: report on the Anti–aircraft Search Light Unit)”, Sen’yû (Comrades) .6 (1970): 2–20.
MIYAZAKI Shuji, “Zadankai shôkûtai o kataru (Discussion: talking about the Anti–aircraft Search Light Unit)”, Sen’yû (Comrades) 6 (1970): 22–33.
OTAKI Mitsuo, “Waga Shôkû Dai 1 Chûtai no ki (Record of our 1st Anti–aircraft Search Light Company)”, Sen’yû (Comrades) 11 (1972): 24–34.
14. Sea transport unit
a) Books
Dokuritsu Hohei Dai 10 Rentai Senpaku Kôhei Dai 5 Rentai Sen’yû–kai (Veterans’ Association of the 5th Marine Engineer Regiment of the 10th Independent Infantry Regiment) (ed.), Koseki (Ruins), n.d.
SAKAMOTO Teruhisa, Nankai no koshu (A lonely ship in the South Seas), Yokosuka, 1995.
b) Periodical articles
ROKUGURUMA Masayuki, “Dai 6 Shidan Kishutai no kaikô (Reminiscences of the 6th Sea Transport Unit)”, Soromon (Solomon) 34 (1987): 3–7.
TERAMURA Sadakazu, “Shirarezaru Tokushû Butai Senpakuhei senki (Unknown battle history of men of the Special Sea Transport Unit), Maru 18, no. 10 (1965): 112–113.
15. Tank unit
a) Books
Dokuritsu Konsei Dai 1 Rentai Sensha Chûtai Tomo no Kai (Friendship Association of the 1st Independent Mixed Regiment Tank Company) (ed.), Nyû Airurando to senshatai omoide no ki (Record of the memories of the tank company in New Ireland), 1972.
b) Periodical articles
IKEDA Iwao “Rabauru senshatai ga shirushita kuhaku no sento nisshi (Blank war diary of the Rabaul Tank Unit)”, Maru 24, no.4 (1971): 208–215.
SUZUKI Haruyoshi, “Sensha Dai 8 Rentai Rabauru yosai rojo ki (History of the 8th Tank Regiment that was besieged at Rabaul Fortress)”, Maru 26, no.5 (1973): 96–103.
SUZUKI Haruyoshi, “Soromon senshatai ni haiboku no hi nashi (The Solomon Tank Unit is never defeated)”, Maru 27, no.4 (1974): 151–157.
16. Detachment history
a) Books
TSUBAKI Eiji, Chôshô nariyamazu Nankai Shitai no eikô to shûen (The funeral bell never stops ringing: the glory and demise of the South Seas Force), Tokyo: Shôwa Shuppan , 1981.
b) Periodical articles
KOYA Chikayuki, “Hyoko 3,000 metoru no Sutanre Sangaku sen: Pôto Moresubi ni sematta Nankai Shitai no gekiteki sento to saigo (Campaign on the Stanley Ranges over 3,000 meters high: dramatic battles and the end of the South Seas Force that closed in on Port Moresby)”, Maru 13, no.9 (1960): 117–123.
SAITO Yoshiro, “Okabe Shitai Wau kôryaku narazu (Failure of the Okabe Detachment to capture Wau), Taiheiyô shôgen shirizu 2 Maru Bessatsu (Maru Supplement: Testimonies of the Pacific War) 2 (1986): 98–125.
17. Line of Communication
a) Books
HARIYA Kazuo, Uewaku (Wewak), Fujisawa: Tojun–sha, 1983.
b) Periodical articles
SHIROKABE Sadaharu, “Dai 17 gun chokuei tabuna noen (Tabuna Farm under direct control of the 17th Army), Soromon (Solomon) 35 (1987): 31–33.
18. Bomber unit
b) Periodical articles
KUBO Yoshiaki, “Ah eikô no rikugun jûbakugekiki (Ah, the glorious Army heavy bombers)”, Maru 22, no.16 (1969): 245–254.
MORI Yutaka, “Kei bakugeki–ki to Tôbu Nyûginia–sen (Light bombers and the battle in Eastern New Guinea)”, Taiheiyô shôgen shirizu 2 Maru Bessatsu (Maru Supplement: Testimonies of the Pacific War) 2 (1986): 272–282.
19. Automobile transport unit
a) Books
Dokuritsu Jidôsha Dai 39 Daitai Shi Henshû Iinkai (Editorial Committee of the 39th Independent Automobile Battalion History) (ed.), Nyûginia sensen warera no kanto (The New Guinea front: our brave fight), Tokyo, 1974.
b) Periodical articles
IKAI Fusakazu, “Shûsei Jidôshatai no omoide (Memories of the Combined Automobile Unit)”, Soromon (Solomon) 22 (1982): 3–8.
20. Garrison
a) Books
MIMURA Kiyoshi, Waga senki Bugenbirutô Shubitai (Our Campaign History: the Bougainville Garrison), Tatsuno: Seiban Bungaku Kai, 1984.
b) Periodical articles
MIURA Jun, “Nyûginia koto shubitai wa kenzai narishiya!? (Does the garrison in a lonely island in New Guinea still exist!?)”, Maru 24, no.10 (1971): 190–198.
21. All types of units
a) Books
KOBAYASHI Takeshi, Nyûginia ikiteita eirei tatakawazuni kieta sentô butai (Spirits of dead soldiers are alive in New Guinea: fighting units that vanished without fighting), Chiba, 1992.
Kôseishô Engokyoku (Ministry of Welfare War Victim’s Relief Bureau), Tôbu Nyûginia hômen butai ryakureki (Brief unit histories of the Eastern New Guinea Area), Tokyo, 1961.
22. Anti–aircraft defense unit
a) Books
12 Bôshi Sen’yûkai Henshû Iinkai (Editorial Committee of the 12th Anti–aircraft Defence Comrades Association) (ed.), Dai 12 Yasen Bôkûtai Shireibu Tôbu Nyûginia sansenroku (The 12 Field Anti–aircraft Defence Unit Headquarters a record of participation in the war in Eastern New Guinea), Omiya, 1977.
23. Pacification (Senbu–tai, units that were in charge of relations with indigenous people)
b) Periodical articles
FUKE Yutaka, “Onjin shucho o sutete Nyûginia 20 Shidan dojin kosaku tai no shusen (Betraying a benefactor of the village: the end of the war for the 20th Division’s propaganda unit for natives in New Guinea)”, Kaikô (August 1982): 16–17.
FUKE Yutaka, “Tôbu Nyûginia domin kosaku butai ibun (Different story about the propaganda unit for natives in Eastern New Guinea), Taiheiyô shôgen shirizu 2 Maru Bessatsu (Maru Supplement: Testimonies of the Pacific War) 2 (1990): 260–289.
24. Construction unit
a) Books
FUJII Minoru, Matsu no misaki monogatari Dai 22 Hikôjo Chûtai no Tôbu Nyûginia senki (Story of Pine Cape: campaign history of the 22nd Airfield Company in Eastern New Guinea), Tokyo: Senshi Kankôkai, 1984.
25. Ordnance depot
a) Books
SATO Kazuo (ed.), Dai 18 Gun Dai 27 Yasen Heikisho (Mô Gun Dai 2688 Butai) seizonsha no tegami (The 27th Field Ordnance Depot (Mô 2688 Unit): letters of survivors), 1982.
26. Postal unit
a) Books
MITOBE Masao, Rabauru Sen’yûki Nankai Haken Dai–14 Yasen Yûbintai no kiroku (Comrades of Rabaul: record of the South Seas Force 14th Field Postal Company), Tokyo: Nishiki Kai,1976.
27. Machine gun unit
b) Periodical articles
MURAKAMI Ken, “Soromon sentô shoho Botô bôkûtai no kiroku Kikanho Dai 31 Chûtai no maki (Detailed battle report of Solomons campaign: record of Bougainville anti–aircraft defense units: the 31st Machine Gun Company)”, Sen’yû (Comrades) 3 (1969): 31–32.
28. 17th Army
b) Periodical articles
SHIMODA Fujio, “Gatô tettai go no Hyakutake Dai 17 Gun (Hyakutake’s 17th Army after the retreat from Guadalcanal)”, Taiheiyô shôgen shirizu 2 Maru Bessatsu (Maru Supplement: Testimonies of the Pacific War) 1 (1985): 330–340.
(1) List of Navy unit histories
1. Fighter Units (land based)
a) Books
204 Senshi Kankôkai (Publishing Committee of the 204th Air Corps History) (ed.), Rabauru 204 Kaigun Kôkûtai senki (History of the 204th Navy Air Corps at Rabaul), Tokyo: Seiwado Shuppankyoku, 1976.
701 Kûkai (Association of the 701st Air Corps), (ed.), 701 kûsenki (History of the 701st Air Corps), Utsunomiya, 1986.
Dai 204 Kaigun Kôkûtai (The 204th Navy Air Corps) (ed.), Rabauru kûsenki (History of air campaigns at Rabaul), Tokyo: Asahi Sonorama, 1987.
Kaigun Rabauru Hômen Kai (Navy Association of Rabaul) (ed.), Nantô Hômen no tatakai o shinobu (Recollecting the campaigns in the South East Area), Tokyo, 1978.
Kaigun Rabauru Hômen Kai, Nantô Hômen no tatakai o shinobu furoku (Recollecting the Campaigns in the South East Area: appendix), Tokyo, 1978.
Kaigun Soromon Kai (Navy Association of the Solomons) (ed.), Solomon no shito: Dai 8 Kantai no kiroku (Desperate battle in the Solomons: the record of the 8th Fleet), Tokyo, 1985.
NAKANO Chujiro (ed.), 201 kûsenki (History of the 201st Air Corps), Kaigun 201 Kûkai, Tokyo, 1974.
OKUMIYA Masatake, Rabauru Kaigun Kôkûtai Nihon Kaigun kaijo koku senshi (Rabaul Navy Air Corps: history of naval air campaigns by the Japanese Navy), Tokyo: Asahi Sonorama, 1976.
OKUMIYA Masatake, Rabauru Kaigun Kôkûtai (Rabaul Navy Air Corps), Tokyo: Asahi Sonorama, 1982.
OKUMIYA Masatake, Rabauru Kaigun Kôkûtai (Rabaul Navy Air Corps), Tokyo: Asahi Sonorama, 1992.
OKUMIYA Masatake, Rabauru Kaigun Kôkûtai (Rabaul Navy Air Corps), Tokyo: Asahi Sonorama, 1998.
SAKAI Saburo, Ozora no samurai kaerazaru zerosentai (Samurai in the sky: the Zero unit that did not return), Tokyo: Kojinsha, 1996.
SASAKI Sekiya, Rabauru Kaigun Kôkûtai (Rabaul Navy Air Corps), Tokyo: Masu–shobo, 1956
TAKAGI Hajime, Hijô no sora: Rabauru Zerosentai shimatsu (Emergency in the sky: story of the Rabaul Zero fighter unit), Tokyo: Kodansha, 1970.
TAKAGI Hajime, Hijô no sora: Rabauru zerosentai shimatsu (Emergency in the sky: story of the Rabaul Zero fighter unit), Tokyo: Chuokoron–sha, 1992.
TAKAGI Hajime, Hijô no sora: Tainankû zerosentai gekitsuô monogatari (Emergency in the sky: story of the ace of the Tainan Air Corps zero fighter unit), Tokyo: Kojinsha, 1992.
YOKIYAMA Tamotsu, Aa zerosen ichidai zerosentai shimatsu ki (Ah a generation of zero fighters: history of a zero fighter unit), Tokyo: Kojinsha, 1992
b) Periodical articles
AKIMOTO Minoru, “Yûshatachi sono na wa Rabauru Kôkûtai (The name of the brave is Rabaul Air Corps)”, Maru 22, no. 12 (1969): 64–69.
AKIMOTO Minoru, “Hinomaru sentokitai Soromon fujin mappu (Map of the order of battle of fighter units of the rising sun in the Solomons)”, Maru 37, no.2 (1984): 108–113.
HORI Tomoyoshi, “Saraba Rabauru Kôkûtai (Goodbye Rabaul Air Corps)”, Maru 20, no.2 (1967): 235–259.
HORI Tomoyoshi, “Saigo no zerosentai kitoseri (The last Rabaul Zero Fighter Unit returned)”, Maru 26, no.5 (1973): 51–61
ISHIKAWA Seiji, “Rabaul zerosentai kusen ki (History of air campaigns of the Rabaul Zero Fighter Unit)”, Tokushû Maru (Maru Special) 2, no.1 (1958): 149–155.
IWAI Tsutomu, “Rabaul zerosentai ni fuhai no densetsu ga umareta toki (The birth of the legend of the invincible Rabaul Zero fighter unit)”, Maru 27, no.2 (1974): 90–93.
KATO Shigeru, “Kanashiki zerosentai (The sad Zero Fighter Unit)”, Maru 26, no.2 (1973): 227–259.
KODAKA Tokan, “Aa zerosen arite koso (Ah, zero fighters exist)”, Maru 22, no.8 (1969): 237–269.
MIURA Shinzaburo, “Saredo zerosentai wa shisezu (But zero fighter units never die)”, Maru 23, no.4, (1970): 200–211.
MIURA Shinzaburo, “Aa Rabauru zerosentai tsuyoshi (Ah, the Rabaul zero Fighter unit is strong)”, Maru 23, no.7 (1970): 247–279.
MIURA Shinzaburo, “Aa Rabauru zerosentai tsuyoshi (Ah, the Rabaul zero fighter unit is strong)”, Maru rinji zokan Dai 1 shu (Maru Special) 1 (September 1972): 80–113.
NAKANO Chujiro, “Oinaru kitai to kichi zerosentai no shinka (High expectations and the real value of land–based zero fighter units)”, Maru 21, no.2 (1968): 72–76.
NOMURA Ryosuke, “Uta yo hibike Rabauru Kôkûtai (Let the song echo, Rabaul Air Corps)”, Maru 21, no.6 (1968): 102–109.
OKUBO Chuhei, “Rabauru Kôkûtai nao kanto su (The Rabaul Air Corps is still fighting bravely)”, Maru 9, no.10 (1956): 32–39.
SAITO Koichi, “Rabauru Kaigun Kôkûtai (Rabaul Navy Air Corps)”, Maru 11, no.14, (1958): 268–297.
SAKAI Saburo, “Rabauru Kôkûsentai (Rabaul Air Corps), Maru 9, no.3 (1956): 96–106.
SAKAI Saburo, et. al, “Rabauru Kôkûtai (Rabaul Air Corps), Maru 10, no.2 (1957): 178–201.
SASAKI Sekiya, “Hôdôhan’in ga mita dai Rabauru Kôkûtai seisui ki (Correspondent’s observation of the rise and fall of the great Rabaul Air Unit)”, Maru 20, no.9 (1967): 176–181.
SASAKIBARA Masao, “Zero–sen soromon seiku–tai (Zero Fighter Unit controlling the air of Solomon)”, Tokushû Maru (Maru Special) 2, no.1 (1958): 144–148.
SHIBAYAMA Tsumiyoshi, “Soromon ni shito suru zerosentai (The Zero fighter unit that fought desperately in the Solomons)”, Maru 12, no.2 (1959): 82–89.
SHIMAKAWA Masaaki, “Seikyô 204 kû zerosentai dai seikusen ni ikiru (The strong 204th Zero Fighter Unit controlled the air)”, Maru 37, no.2 (1984): 125–131.
SHIONO Sanpei, “Uijin Rabauru zerosentai kiseki no hikô nisshi (The miraculous flight record of the first battle of the Rabaul Zero Fighter Unit:)”, Maru 43, no.2 (1990): 231–247.
YAMADA Tatsuhiro, “Yashu butai 938 Kôkûtai no funsen (Brave fight of a night assault unit: the 938 Air Corps)”, Maru 13, no.12 (1960): 128–133.
YAMAGUCHI Keizo, “Buun mazushi 201 Rabauru Kôkûtai (The fortunes of war were against the 201st Rabaul Air Corps)”, Maru 12, no.2 (1959): 98–109.
YAMAGUCHI Keizo, “Wataridori 201 kû jigoku no Soromon tensen ki (Migratory 201 Air Corps: history of campaigns in the hell of the Solomons)”, Maru 25, no.4 (1972): 112–119.
YAMAZAKI Eisuke, “Rabauru Kôkûtai shimatsu ki (History of the Rabaul Air Corps)”, Chûôkôron 79, no.8 (1964): 218–224.
YASUNOBU Takeo,, “Taidan kôbô Rabauru Kôkûtai (Talk: offence and defense of the Rabaul Air Corps)”, Maru 9, no.8 (1956): 80–94.
2. Bomber unit
a) Books
Kaigun 705 Kû Kai (705th Navy Air Corps Association) (ed.), Dai 705 Kaigun Kôkûtai shi: Rabauru Kôkûtai chuko shito no kiroku (History of the 705th Navy Air Corps: record of desperate campaigns of the Rabaul bomber unit), Tokyo, n.d.
MATSUNAMI Kiyoshi, Meirei ikka idetatsuwa: zai Rabauru 582 kû no shito (Take off to carry out orders: desperate struggle of the 582nd Air Corps at Rabaul), Tokyo: Kojinsha , 1981.
SEKINE Seiji, Honô no tsubasa Rabauru chûkôtai shito no kiroku (Wings of fire: history of desperate battles of the Rabaul Bomber Unit), Tokyo: Konnichi no Wadai Sha, 1986.
SEKINE Seiji, Honô no tsubasa Rabauru chûkôtai shito no kiroku (Wings of fire: history of desperate battles of the Rabaul Bomber Unit), Tokyo: Konnichi no Wadai Sha, 1994.
b) Periodical article
HIGASHI Akio, “Chûkô Rabauru raigekitai shutsudô seyo (Dispatch the Rabaul Bomber Unit)”, Maru 42, no.2 (1989): 199–225.
MAKINO Shigeji, “Yuke bakugekitai mujô no sora e (Go, bomber unit to the merciless sky)”, Maru 22, no.12 (1969): 106–111.
TSUCHIYA Seiichi, “Chûkôtai Pôto Moresubi bakugeki ki (Bomber Unit’s history of bombing Port Moresby)”, Taiheiyô shôgen shirizu 2 Maru Bessatsu (Maru Supplement: Testimonies of the Pacific War) 2 (1986): 28–36.
YAGITA Kiyoshi, “Igai na teki ni naita Rabauru chûkôtai tsukon ki (Regrettable history of the Rabaul Bomber Unit that encountered an unexpected enemy)”, Maru 25, no.6 (1972): 96–103.
3. Naval landing party
a) Books
Hachi Rentoku Kai Hensan Iinkai (Compilation Committee for the 8th Combined Special Force) (ed.), Hachi Rentoku senki (History of 8th Combined Special Force), 1993.
TOYOTA Shiro, Nyûginia ni moyu: genchijin to tomo ni Kaigun Butai sangaku senki (Burning in New Guinea: history of a naval unit in the mountains with locals), Mihara, 1985.
WATANABE Tetsuo, (edited and translated by IWAMOTO Hiromitsu), The naval land unit that vanished in the jungle, Tabletop Press, Canberra, 1995.
YAMADA Eizo, Teikoku Kaigun Rikusentai: ichi gakutohei no Soromon senki (Imperial Naval Landing Party: battle history of a student soldier in Solomons), Tokyo: Tokuma Shoten, 1972.
YAMAMOTO Kiyoshi (ed.), Yoko 5 Toku: Yasuda Kaigun Butai Buna gyokusai no tenmatsu (Yokosuka 5th Special Naval Landing Party: story of the glorious sacrifice of the Yasuda Naval Unit at Buna), Tokyo: Senshi Kankôkai, 1985.
b) Periodical articles
HIRATSUKA Seiichi, “8 Rentoku no sono go: Kabien kara Rabauru e (Epilogue of the 8th Special Regiment: from Kavieng to Rabaul)”, Taiheiyô shôgen shirizu 2 Maru Bessatsu (Maru Supplement: Testimonies of the Pacific War) 2 (1990): 242–259.
MANABE Masao, “Kaigun Rikusentai Rae Saramoa gekitoki (History of fierce battles of the Naval Landing Party at Lae and Salamaua)”, Maru 46, no.8 (1993): 235–267.
MANABE Masao, “Kaigun Rikusentai Rae Saramoa gekitoki kanketsuhen (History of fierce battles of the Naval Landing Party at Lae and Salamaua: conclusion)”, Maru 46, no.9 (1993): 235–267.
YAMAMOTO Kiyoshi, “Buna shubitai no yûsen (Brave battle of the Buna Garrison), Taiheiyô shôgen shirizu 2 Maru Bessatsu (Maru Supplement: Testimonies of the Pacific War) 2 (1990): 76–79.
4. Aircraft carriers
a) Books
FUKUCHI Kaneo, Kûbo Shôkaku kaisen ki (History of the aircraft carrier Shôkaku), Tokyo: Kyodo Shuppansha, 1962.
Gunkan Zuikaku Kai (Warship Zuikaku Association) (ed.), Zuikaku shi (History of the Zuikaku), Osaka, 1979.
b) Periodical articles
ISHIKAWA Shiro, “Kodokuna kûbo Shôô Sango Kai ni shisu tomo (The loss of the lonely aircraft carrier Shôô in the Coral Sea)”, Maru 27, no.2 (1974): 76–79.
MISHIRO Kazunari, “Dai 11 Kôkû Kantai kessen no zenbo (Full story of the final battle of the 11th Air Fleet)”, Tokushû Maru (Maru Special) 1, no.1 (1957): 177–188.
5. Air force ground crew units
a) Books
YAMAGUCHI Ko, Rabauru saigo no Kôkûtai 17 sai de shoshu sare 958 kû de tatakatta yobi kôsakuhei no kiroku (The last air unit in Rabaul: history of a 17 year–old draftee who served for the 958th Air Corps as a reserve engineer), Tokyo: Senshi Kakôkai, 1997.
b) Periodical articles
OKUBO Chuhei, “Rabauru Kôkûtai saigo no ippei made: hokoritakaki tesei hikoki no funsen mo munashiku (Till the last pilot of the Rabaul Air Corps: brave fight of a glorious handmade fighter to no avail),” Shûkan Sankei 28 (August 1961): 34–38.
YAMAGUCHI Ko, “Rabauru saigo no Kôkûtai (The end of the Rabaul Air Corps)”, Maru 602 (1996): 231–257.
YAMAGUCHI Ko, “Rabauru saigo no Kôkûtai zoku (The end of the Rabaul Air Corps, part 2)”, Maru 603 (1996): 231–255.
6. Transport ships
a) Books
KONAMI Yoshindo, Gôei naki yûsô sendan (Transport convoy without escort), Tokyo: Seiunsha, 1984.
b) Periodical articles
NAGASHIMA Keiko, “Tokusetsu shisetsu kan Ten’yû Maru Soromon kaisen ki (History of sea battles in the Solomons of the specially constructed Ten’yu Maru)”, Maru 39, no.2 (1986): 147–157.
SHIBA Masafumi, “Bokan Nisshin Bugenbirutô oki no tsûkon (Great regret of the carrier Nisshin off Bougainville)”, Maru 39, no.12 (1986): 106–109.
SHIOMITSU Yasuhiro, “Ishoku senki: tokumu kan soya nanpo jugun ki (Unique battle history: history of Special Duty Ship Soya serving in the South area)”, Maru 31, no.11 (1978): 134–141.
7. Fighter Units (carrier based)
b) Periodical articles
SAITO Saburo, “Zuihô hikôtai imada zenki kaerazu (No Zuihô Air Units have returned yet)”, Maru 19, no.8, (1966): 156–163.
SAITO Saburo, “Waga Zuikaku zerosentai no eikô yo eien ni (Glory to our Zuikaku Zero Fighter Unit forever)”, Maru 21, no.2 (1968): 116–129.
SAITO Saburo, “Sekiran’un o koeta Zuikaku zerosentai (The Zuikaku Zero Fighter Unit that flew over cumulonimbus clouds)”, Maru 22, no.12 (1969): 98–105.
SHIKANO Itaru, “Zuihô zerosentai Rae jôkû gôeisen kunkô ki (Distinguished service of the Zuihô Zero Fighter Unit in escort missions in the sky over Lae)”, Maru 36, no.6 (1983): 130–133.
8. Civil Administration Unit
a) Books
IMAI Yunosuke, Dai 8 Kaigun Kensetsubu shimatsu ki: Tôbu Nyûginia ni okeru kaigun gunzoku no kiroku (History of the 8th Naval Construction Unit: record of a civilian attached to the navy in Eastern New Guinea) 1986.
Rabauru Minsei Kurabu (Rabaul Civil Administration Club (ed.), Rabauru minsei no kaikô (Recollections of civil administration in Rabaul) , 1989.
TOYAMA Chikafumi, “Dai 8 Kaigun Kensetsubu no omokage (Memories of the 8th Naval Construction Unit)”, in TOYOSHIMA Fusataro (ed.), Gôhoku o iku: omoide no ki yashi no mi wa nagareru (Going to the north of Australia: collection of memories: the floating coconuts), Tokyo: Gôhoku Hômen Ikotsu Hikiage Sokushin Kai, 1956: 362–170.
b) Periodical articles
Rabauru Minsei Kurabu (Rabaul Civil Administration Club), Hanabuki 1–11 (1988–1998), Tokyo.
9. Destroyer
b) Periodical articles
SUDO Kosuke, “Nagurikomi suirai sentai (Raid of the Torpedo Squadron)”, Maru 11, no.14 (1958): 238–267.
TSUKATA Toru, “Rabauru kaiiki no yu: Dai 34 Kuchikutai (Leader in the waters of Rabaul: the 34th Destroyer Fleet)”, Tokushû Maru (Maru Special) 3, no.3 (1959): 70–73.
YAMAGAMI Kimio, “Dai 27 kuchikutai Bugenbiru oki kessen fu (Record of the bloody campaign of the 27th Destroyer Fleet off Bougainville)”, Tokushû Maru (Maru Special) 3, no.3 (1959): 136–140.
10. Garrison
b) Periodical articles
HONDA Seiji, “Buka chiku keibitai no kantô (Brave fight of the Buka Garrison), Taiheiyô shogen shirizu 1 Maru Bessatsu (Maru Supplement: Testimonies of the Pacific War) 1 (1985): 412–430.
WADA Kiichi, “Sarawaketto Sankei o koeta Rae Kaigun Keibitai (Lae Navy Garrison that crossed the Sarawaket Range)”, Taiheiyô shogen shirizu 2 Maru Bessatsu (Maru Supplement: Testimonies of the Pacific War) 2 (1986): 217–242.
WATANABE Tetsuo, “Dai 82 Keibitai Nyûginia no mitsurin ni koe kietari (The voice of the 82nd Garrison that vanished in the jungle of New Guinea)”, Maru 44, no.9 (1991): 96–99.
11. Base units
a) Books
SUZUKI Kichiei, Kanzakitai (Uchidatai) senki: Bugenbirutô Buin Dai 1 Konkyochitai Showa 18 nen 3 gatsu – Showa 20 nen 8 gatsu (Battle History of Kanzaki Unit (Uchida Unit): the 1st Base Unit at Buin in Bougainville, March 1943 – August 1945), Majison Corporation, 1986.
b) Periodical articles
KAWADA Koji, “Kairirutô ni tatekomotta kaigun butai (The navy unit that held Kairiru Island)”, Taiheiyô shogen shirizu 2 Maru Bessatsu (Maru Special: Testimonies of the Pacific War) 2 (1986): 386–397.
12. Sea plane units
a) Books
TAKEI Keiyu, Minami no sora ni geta haite (Putting on clogs in the sky of the South), Tokyo: Kojinsha, 1992.
b) Periodical articles
OGAWA Tsuguo, “Nippon suijôkitai minami e tobu (Japanese sea plane unit flies to the South)”, Maru 22, no.4 (1969): 100–103.
13. Construction units
a) Books
Kure kaigun Dai 32 setsuei–tai Sen’yû–kai (Veterans Association of Kure Navy the 32nd Construction Unit), 1985, Seishi o koete — bugenbirutô buka chiku ni okeru Dai 32 setsuei–tai no shito no kiroku (Beyond life and death — record of desperate battle of the 32nd Construction Unit at Buka in Bougainville), Nishinomiya
b) Periodical articles
NOHARA Itaru, “Doro mamire no Rabauru Setsueitai tôkon ki (History of fighting spirit of the mud-splattered Rabaul Establishment Unit)”, Maru 32, no.10 (1979): 112–115.
14. Anti–aircraft defense units
a) Books
KAYAMA Homare, Kaigun Dai 16 Bôkûtai Soromon no tsuyu to kiyu tomo (The 16th Naval Anti–aircraft Defence Unit: vanishing like dew in the Solomons), 1985.
UMEOKA Daisuke, Hisan Bugenbirutô: Dai 16 Bôkûtai no higeki (Misery in Bougainville: the tragedy of the 16th Anti–aircraft Defence Unit), Tokyo Oshisha, 1986.
15. Dive bomber units
a) Books
YAMAKAWA Shinsaku, Kyûkôka bakugekitai (Dive bomber unit), Tokyo: Masu Shobô, 1956.
b) Periodical articles
HAGIWARA Matsuji, “Ôgata kûbo Honetto kyoshu no raigekikitai (The Dive Bomber Unit that assaulted the large aircraft carrier Hornet)”, Maru 9, no.8 (1956): 66–74.
ICHIKI Eiichi, “Keppu Rabauru kanbakutai no kakokuna 10 kakan (Bloody winds: Harsh 10 days of the Rabaul Dive Bomber Unit), Maru 30, no.2 (1977): 82–89.
16. Submarine
b) Periodical articles
ORITA Yoshitsugu, “Yamato damashii ni yabureta igô sensuikantai (The I Class Submarine Fleet that was defeated by ‘Yamato Spirit’)”, Maru 18, no.10 (1965): 98–99.
ORITA Yoshitsugu, “Ro 101/ I 177 sen: waga kaitei senki (Ro 101 Class / I Class submarines: our history under the waves)”, Taiheiyô shogen shirizu 1 Maru Bessatsu (Maru Supplement: Testimonies of the Pacific War) 1 (1985): 192–205.
17. Meteorological observation units
a) Books
DOI Yutaka, “Rabauru Kôkû Kishôhan gyokusai tô judan ki (History of the Rabaul Meteorological Observation Unit that crossed the island of glorious sacrifice), in Ide Jiro, Seikyo 261 Kû tora butai saipan ni shisu tomo: gyokusai tô senki (Strong 261st Air Corps perished in Saipan: history of islands of glorious sacrifice), Tokyo: Kojinsha, 1992.
18. Aerial Survey Unit
a) Books
SUGITO Hisashi (ed.), Rabauru 6 Kôsokutai senshi shiryô: sono toki warera wa (sono 3) (War History Material of the Rabaul 6th Aerial Survey Unit: we then, part 3), Rabauru 6 Kôsokutai Senshi Kankôkai, 1985.
19. Minesweeper
b) Periodical articles
MORIYASU Sakae, “Rabauru chuton sokaiteitai Soromon Kai ni shutsudô su (Rabaul Minesweeper Fleet sailed to the Solomon Sea)”, Maru 20, no.6 (1967): 110–115.
20. Line of Communication
b) Periodical articles
KATO Makoto, “Rabauru Dai 8 Gunjubu yarikuri daidokoro sôdô ki (History of the Rabaul 8th Ordnance Depot: run on the smell of an oily rag)”, Maru 38, no.7, (1985): 122–127.
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