Australian War Memorial - AJRP セミナー発表

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AJRP セミナー発表
1 Japanese military historical sources after the war: a brief survey by Professor TANAKA Hiromi このページを日本語で表示する

2 Japanese research on the occupation of post-war Japan by British and Commonwealth forces: new developments and contemporary source problems by Mr CHIDA Takeshi このページを日本語で表示する

3 Self-sufficiency in Rabaul by Professor TANAKA Hiromi このページを日本語で表示する

4 The compilation of the Japanese official history of the war in New Guinea and the Solomon Islands by Professor KONDO Shinji このページを日本語で表示する

5 The Japanese army and its prisoners: relevant documents and bureaucratic institutions by Professor UTSUMI Aiko このページを日本語で表示する

6 The lack of an archives tradition in Japan: issues surrounding the planned Centre for Modern Japan-Asia Relations by Mr MUTA Shôhei

7 The Pacific War and New Guinea by Prof TANAKA Hiromi このページを日本語で表示する

8 "Yet they're human just as we are"; Australian attitudes towards the Japanese in the South-West Pacific, 1942-1945 by Dr Mark Johnston このページを日本語で表示する

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