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Database Records by Module and Category
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Show details for Australian War Memorial leafletsAustralian War Memorial leaflets
Show details for Australian War Memorial official recordsAustralian War Memorial official records
Show details for Australian War Memorial private recordsAustralian War Memorial private records
Hide details for Kure Municipal History OfficeKure Municipal History Office
Show details for Administrative documentAdministrative document
Show details for JournalJournal
Hide details for NewsletterNewsletter
Item - Commencement of UN projects (series BCOF related documents): 1/10/1957
Item - Compensation for victims of accidents involving the occupation forces (series BCOF related documents): 1/10/1953
Item - Compliance with Kure's requests under the UN Administrative Agreement (series BCOF related documents): 1/7/1953
Item - Control of prostitution at bases and activities of the municipal police (series BCOF related documents): 1/10/1953
Item - Crimes committed by members of UN forces (series BCOF related documents): 1/2/1953
Item - Donation of jeeps by Canadian forces to the municipal police (series BCOF related documents): 1/11/1953
Item - Establishment of a temporary vocational school (series BCOF related documents): 15/6/1950
Item - Establishment of the Japan-UK Liaison Committee (series BCOF related documents): 1/10/1953
Item - Establishment of the UN Withdrawal Committee (series BCOF related documents): 1/12/1953
Item - Facilities for social projects and public relief works (series BCOF related documents): 1/3/1953
Item - First meeting of the management committee for UN facilities (series BCOF related documents): 1/4/1954
Item - Further special measures to counter the withdrawal of UN forces in 1957 (series BCOF related documents): 1/2/1956 to 1/12/1956
Item - General meeting of Kure citizens concerning unemployment (series BCOF related documents): ?/7/1950
Item - Goodwill dance and concert by the Scottish military band (series BCOF related documents): 1/6/1954
Item - Government initiative to redevelop Kure after the withdrawal of BCOF (series BCOF related documents): 15/6/1956
Item - Helping hand for an unfortunate child by a Canadian soldier (series BCOF related documents): 1/6/1954
Item - How to solve the unemployment problem in Kure (series BCOF related documents): 1/10/1950
Item - Japan-UK Liaison Committee (series BCOF related documents): 1/3/1954
Item - Kure Emergency Counter-Unemployment Committee (series BCOF related documents): ?/6/1950
Item - Kure Emergency Taskforce regulations for the withdrawal of UN forces (series BCOF related documents): 25/3/1956
Item - Kure Employment Security Office and unemployment insurance (series BCOF related documents): 1/2/1951
Item - Leeway (series BCOF related documents): ?/?/1953
Item - List of repossessed former military land and buildings (series BCOF related documents): ?/5/1950

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