Australian War Memorial - Database Records by Module and Names

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Database Records by Module and Names
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Show details for Australian War Memorial leafletsAustralian War Memorial leaflets
Show details for Australian War Memorial official recordsAustralian War Memorial official records
Show details for Australian War Memorial private recordsAustralian War Memorial private records
Show details for Kure Municipal History OfficeKure Municipal History Office
Hide details for National Institute for Defense Studies (Tokyo)National Institute for Defense Studies (Tokyo)
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Item - 18th Army record of operations: supplement and opinions (series Army campaign reports and records): 24/3/1943 to 15/8/1945
Item - 18th Army troop dispostion chart (series Army campaign reports and records): ?/?/c1942 to ?/?/c1945
Item - 8th Area Army record of operations (draft) (series Army campaign reports and records): ?/8/1945
Item - A diagram of airfields in Australian New Guinea (series Army campaign reports and records): ?/?/1942 to 15/8/1945
Item - Administration maps of Netherland East Indies (series Army campaign reports and records): ?/?/1942 to ?/?/1945
Item - Administrative regulations for the 9th Landing Party 2nd Coy (series Army campaign reports and records): 1/10/1943 to 31/10/1943
Item - Administrative regulations for the 9th Landing Party 2nd Coy (series Army campaign reports and records): 1/11/1943 to 30/11/1943
Item - Administrative regulations for the 9th Landing Party 2nd Coy (series Army campaign reports and records): 20/8/1943
Item - Advance fleet orders for the 21st Independent Mixed Bde Engineer Unit (series Army campaign reports and records): 31/1/c1943 to 31/1/c1944
Item - Aerial photographs of Guadalcanal (series Army campaign reports and records): 8/12/1942
Item - Aerial photographs of Guadalcanal (series Army campaign reports and records): ?/?/c1942 to ?/?/c1943
Item - Aerial photographs of Guadalcanal used by Commander KAWAGUCHI of the KAWAGUCHI Force (series Army campaign reports and records): 23/7/1942
Item - Air attacks by enemy planes during the 18th Operation (series Army campaign reports and records): 5/1/1943 to 9/1/1943
Item - Air operations in the Australian territory of New Guinea (series Army campaign reports and records): ?/?/1942 to 15/8/1945
Item - Air operations in the South East Area (series Army campaign reports and records): ?/?/1942 to 15/8/1945
Item - Aircraft spotting journal in Munda (series Army campaign reports and records): ?/?/1942 to ?/?/1945
Item - Airfield maintenance duty records for the 1st Airfield (series Army campaign reports and records): ?/1/1945
Item - Answers to information requests on the Guadalcanal operations (series Army campaign reports and records): ?/8/1946
Item - ATIS reports of captured Japanese documents on New Britain (series Army campaign reports and records): 17/8/1941 to 7/4/1944
Item - Battle report for the Integrated Rear Guard Unit (series Army campaign reports and records): 3/2/1943 to 8/2/1943
Item - Battle report for the Integrated Rear Guard Unit (series Army campaign reports and records): ?/?/1943 to 15/8/1945
Item - Blank map of ports in New Britain and the Dampier Strait (series Army campaign reports and records): ?/?/c1942 to ?/?/1944
Item - Bloody operational reports in Guadalcanal (series Army campaign reports and records): 31/8/1942 to 5/2/1943
Item - Casualty reports for the 3rd Machine Gun Coy (series Army campaign reports and records): ?/3/1943

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