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Item title: Essays of a soldier
Title (romaji): Ichi gunjin no ronbun
Title (kanji)
Location:Australian War Memorial (AWM 82 2/304)
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AJRP details
AJRP module: Australian War Memorial official records
AJRP series: AWM 82 captured Japanese documents
AJRP sub-series: Post-surrender Rabaul material received from HQ 8 Military District
AJRP folder:
Location details
Institution: Australian War Memorial
Call number: AWM 82 2/304
Inst. series: AWM 82
Inst. sub-series: 2/- Post-surrender material received from HQ 8 Military District (Rabaul)
Item: 2/304
Item qualities
Quantity / desc: 2 books, 26 pages handwritten mimeographed copy
Access: Open
Item type: Unpublished, Official
Category: Monograph
Item content
Creation date range (d/m/y): 27/9/1945 to 1/10/1945
Conflict code: Post-war (related to WW2)
Australian unit names:
Allied unit names:
Japanese unit names:
Names: TANIDA Isamu
Languages: Japanese
Area:Rabaul Area [Melanesia (PNG, Irian Jaya & Solomon Islands), Bismarck Archipelago, New Britain]
Content: This item consists of two essays written by TANIDA Oasamu. One essay titled "God's Way" aims to correct misinterpretation and inappropriate application of the teachings of God's Way (the Imperial Way) which formed part of the ideological basis of Japanese imperialism. He argues that universal brotherhood does not mean the establishment of one nation under the Imperial Way but the establishment of nations based on God's teaching. He interprets God's Way as understanding the virtue of God by worshipping any religion which is consistent with human nature (? very strange sentence). He also states that it is incorrect to infer from the teachings of God's Way (the Imperial Way) that the Japanese are selected people and implies that it was inappropriate to use teachings of the God's Way (the Imperial Way) to justify the invasion of other nations. He emphasises the necessity and importance of reconsidering the interpretation of God's Way. In the other essay titled "The Path Ahead revised" he discusses the ideological basis for the rehabilitation of Japan with consideration to comments given by his subordinates to his previous essay titled "the Path Ahead".
AWM 82 captured Japanese document details
Title: Essays of a soldier
ATIS number:
Item status: Original document
Item type: Unpublished, Official
Names: TANIDA Isamu
Names (kanji ):
Sender (kanji):
Recipient (kanji):
Japanese unit names:
Japanese unit names (romaji):
Japanese unit names (kanji)
Place of acquisition: Rabaul Area
Date of acquisition:
Other information
Last modified:03/05/2009 10:08:17 AM
Source:AJRP staff

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