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AJRP 英文翻訳記事

Chapter 1: Offensive against Rabaul and key surrounding areas
    Strategic issues concerning Rabaul
    Basic preparedness for the offensive
    Geographical description of Rabaul and the condition of the Allied forces
    Operational preparations
    The offensive
    The conclusion of fighting
    Consequences of the capture of Rabaul
Chapter 2: The advance to the Solomon Islands and eastern New Guinea
    Operational plan by Imperial Headquarters
    Offensive operations in Lae and Salamaua
    Occupation of strategic areas in the northern Solomon Islands and Admiralty Islands by the 4th Fleet
    The air war of attrition
    Sea-route invasion of Port Moresby
    Outline of the battle of the Coral Sea
Chapter 3: Planning and cancellation of the United States–Australia blockade operation
    Imperial Headquarters’ conception of stage two operations
    Preparations for the Fiji and Samoa Operation by Imperial Headquarters
    Formation of the 17th Army
    Cancellation of the FS Operation
Chapter 4: Commencement of the overland-route offensive on Port Moresby
    Ri Operation Study
    Transition from an advance by sea to the advance by land
    Formation of the 8th Fleet and disposition of the units
    Operations of the 25th Air Flotilla
    Plans of Imperial Headquarters in early August
Chapter 5: Thrust through the Owen Stanley Range and the offensive operations at Rabi
    Landing at Buna by the main strength of the South Seas Force
    Thrust through the Owen Stanley Range
    Offensive operations in Rabi
    Allied preparations for counter-offensives in New Guinea
    Retreat of the South Seas Force
    Leadership by Imperial Headquarters
Chapter 6: Retreat to Buna
    The fighting withdrawal of the South Seas Force
    The Allied counter-offensive
Chapter 7: Commencement of command of the 18th Army
    The struggle to hold Buna, and its consequences
Chapter 8: Withdrawal operations from the Buna area
    Withdrawal from north and south Giruwa
    Various issues raised by the withdrawal from Giruwa
    End of the Buna force

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This page was last modified on 14 May 2007

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