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Item title: To Maj KAWASHIMA, Commander of 2nd Flying Column
Title (romaji): Dai 2 Yûgeki Taichô KAWASHIMA Shôsa dono
Title (kanji)
Location:Australian War Memorial (7/9/26 MXJ30)
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AJRP details
AJRP module: Australian War Memorial leaflets
AJRP series: Far Eastern Liaison Office propaganda leaflets
AJRP sub-series:
AJRP folder:
Location details
Institution: Australian War Memorial
Call number: 7/9/26 MXJ30
Inst. series: Various
Inst. sub-series:
Item: MXJ30
Item qualities
Quantity / desc: 2 pages, mimeographed
Access: Open
Item type: Unpublished, Official
Category: Leaflet
Item content
Creation date (d/m/y): 21/8/1945
Conflict code: Pacific War (1941-1945)
Australian unit names:
Japanese unit names:2nd Flying Column
Languages: English, Japanese
Area:Morotai [Netherlands East Indies (Indonesia), Moluccas (Maluku), Halmahera]
Content: This Japanese-language propaganda leaflet was produced by the Far Eastern Liaison Office at the end of the Pacific War. An English translation of the text is attached. This item informs Major KAWASHIMA, who was acting as a commanding officer on Morotai, that Japan had surrendered to the Allies on 14 August and that the Emperor had issued an Imperial Rescript ordering all Japanese forces to lay down their arms and to carry out the instructions of the Allied commander in their area. It states that 20,000 Japanese troops in Bougainville had surrendered to the Allies and that the Kwangtung Army had done the same to Russia. It instructs Major KAWASHIMA to send himself or his representatives to a stretch of beach south of the mouth of the Tilai River at noon on 23 August to meet representatives of the U.S. Forces. The Japanese representative should carry a Japanese flag and a white flag. It states that the Allies will drop a bundle of white cloth together with this pamphlet in case Japanese troops cannot supply a white flag.
Other information
Last modified:02/09/2005 02:40:06 PM
Source:AJRP staff

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