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Database Records by Area and Category
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Hide details for Australia Australia
Hide details for AustraliaAustralia
Hide details for Administrative documentAdministrative document
Item - Notes and charts on invasion manoeuvres (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 12/8/1944
Hide details for Information reportInformation report
Item - Aircraft carried on Japanese naval vessels (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 28/10/1943 to 5/11/1943
Item - Gas warfare references in Japanese documents (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 22/9/1943
Item - Harbours in China and the southern area; construction of harbour facilities (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 20/1/1945
Item - Japan's decision to fight (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 1/12/1945
Item - Radio, radar and electrical research industries in Japan (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 29/7/1943
Item - Status of Allied civilians on New Georgia and other occupied islands; Japanese port improvements in New Guinea (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 5/8/1943
Hide details for Instruction manualInstruction manual
Item - Notes and charts on invasion manoeuvres (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 12/8/1944
Hide details for Intelligence reportIntelligence report
Item - Global situation report for February 1944 (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 8/1/1945
Hide details for Interrogation reportInterrogation report
Item - AKANE SaburĂ´ interrogation report (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 2/5/1943
Item - Combined interrogation report (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 15/9/1944
Item - ISHIGURO Kiyoichi interrogation report (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 2/2/1943
Item - JA148145 interrogation report (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 28/8/1944
Item - YAMASAKI Kunio interrogation report (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 18/5/1943
Hide details for LeafletLeaflet
Item - A letter of thanks: officers and men of the Japanese forces (series Far Eastern Liaison Office propaganda leaflets): 2/6/1943
Item - Midget submarine (series Far Eastern Liaison Office propaganda leaflets): 17/11/1943
Item - Preliminary surrender leaflet (series Far Eastern Liaison Office propaganda leaflets): ?/?/c1944
Item - South Pacific Weekly No.24, 28 November (series Far Eastern Liaison Office propaganda leaflets): 10/12/1943
Item - Surrender leaflet (series Far Eastern Liaison Office propaganda leaflets): ?/?/c1944
Item - This war is useless (series Far Eastern Liaison Office propaganda leaflets): 22/9/1942
Item - To officers and men of the Japanese Army (pictorial leaflet) (series Far Eastern Liaison Office propaganda leaflets): 17/8/1944
Item - To officers and men of the Japanese Army (series Far Eastern Liaison Office propaganda leaflets): 10/7/1943

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