Australian War Memorial - Database Records by Module and Unit Names

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Database Records by Module and Unit Names
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Hide details for Ryôyô Maru (Japanese)Ryôyô Maru (Japanese)
Item - HISAEDA Akiyoshi diary (series AWM Japanese language material): 3/10/1941 to 16/11/1942
Hide details for Soga Team (Japanese)Soga Team (Japanese)
Item - Address book (series AWM Japanese language material): ?/?/c1945
Hide details for South East Area Fleet (Japanese)South East Area Fleet (Japanese)
Item - Register of signatures of Imperial Japanese Army and Navy officers (series AWM Japanese language material): ?/?/c1945
Hide details for South Sea Force Bandô Unit First Field Hospital (Japanese)South Sea Force Bandô Unit First Field Hospital (Japanese)
Item - HISAEDA Akiyoshi diary (series AWM Japanese language material): 3/10/1941 to 16/11/1942
Hide details for South Sea Force Sakigawa Unit (Japanese)South Sea Force Sakigawa Unit (Japanese)
Item - HISAEDA Akiyoshi diary (series AWM Japanese language material): 3/10/1941 to 16/11/1942
Hide details for South Seas Force (Japanese)South Seas Force (Japanese)
Series - AWM Japanese language material: 1927 to 1959
Sub-Series - Captured Japanese diaries (series AWM Japanese language material): 1941 to 1945
Item - HIGASHIYAMA Nobuhiko diary (series AWM Japanese language material): 14/10/1942 to 21/11/1942
Hide details for Tsuchiura Naval Flying Corps (Japanese)Tsuchiura Naval Flying Corps (Japanese)
Item - My Navy diary (series AWM Japanese language material): 11/1/1942 to 6/12/1944
Hide details for USS Saratoga (Allied)USS Saratoga (Allied)
Item - HISAEDA Akiyoshi diary (series AWM Japanese language material): 3/10/1941 to 16/11/1942
Hide details for Venice Maru (Japanese)Venice Maru (Japanese)
Item - HISAEDA Akiyoshi diary (series AWM Japanese language material): 3/10/1941 to 16/11/1942
Hide details for Yokosuka 2nd Barracks (Japanese)Yokosuka 2nd Barracks (Japanese)
Item - My Navy diary (series AWM Japanese language material): 11/1/1942 to 6/12/1944
Hide details for Yokosuka 5th Special Naval Landing Party (Japanese)Yokosuka 5th Special Naval Landing Party (Japanese)
Item - Battle record, Buna (series AWM Japanese language material): 15/9/1942 to 2/1/1943
Hide details for Kure Municipal History OfficeKure Municipal History Office
Item - Return of the former Navy hospital at the end of August (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 15/7/1956
Series - BCOF related documents: 1945 to 1980
Sub-Series - Agreement on the status of UN Forces in Japan (series BCOF related documents): c1952 to c1958

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