Australian War Memorial - Database Records by Names and Unit Names

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Database Records by Names and Unit Names
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Hide details for FUJI, CaptFUJI, Capt
Hide details for 20th Division (Japanese)20th Division (Japanese)
Item - Army lists of WOs and NCOs from the 20th Division (series AWM 82 captured Japanese documents): ?/12/1942 to ?/01/1943
Hide details for Chôsen 2086 Unit (Japanese)Chôsen 2086 Unit (Japanese)
Item - Army lists of WOs and NCOs from the 20th Division (series AWM 82 captured Japanese documents): ?/12/1942 to ?/01/1943
Hide details for FUKITA Tatsuo, Veterinary Probationary OfficerFUKITA Tatsuo, Veterinary Probationary Officer
Hide details for Miri Field Warehouse (Japanese)Miri Field Warehouse (Japanese)
Item - Outline survey of Borneo sector (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 11/8/1944
Hide details for FUKUDA, Staff SgtFUKUDA, Staff Sgt
Hide details for 15th Army (Japanese)15th Army (Japanese)
Item - Performance evaluation chart for the 238th Infantry Regt Infantry Gun Det (series AWM 82 captured Japanese documents): 18/02/1941 to 31/03/1941
Hide details for 41st Division 238th Infantry Regt Infantry Gun Det (Japanese)41st Division 238th Infantry Regt Infantry Gun Det (Japanese)
Item - Performance evaluation chart for the 238th Infantry Regt Infantry Gun Det (series AWM 82 captured Japanese documents): 01/05/1942 to 10/01/1943
Item - Performance evaluation chart for the 238th Infantry Regt Infantry Gun Det (series AWM 82 captured Japanese documents): 01/02/1942 to 30/04/1942
Item - Performance evaluation chart for the 238th Infantry Regt Infantry Gun Det (series AWM 82 captured Japanese documents): 07/05/1941 to 30/09/1941
Item - Performance evaluation chart for the 238th Infantry Regt Infantry Gun Det (series AWM 82 captured Japanese documents): 18/02/1941 to 31/03/1941
Hide details for FUKUDA, Yoshitsugu 1st Class SeamanFUKUDA, Yoshitsugu 1st Class Seaman
Hide details for Merkus Garrison Unit (Japanese)Merkus Garrison Unit (Japanese)
Item - Notes on anti-aircraft weapons (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 14/3/1944
Hide details for FUKUI KiyomasaFUKUI Kiyomasa
Hide details for 2nd Tank Division (Japanese)2nd Tank Division (Japanese)
Item - FUKUI Kiyomasa diary (series AWM Japanese language material): 1/1/1945 to 3/2/1945
Hide details for FUKUSHIMA MasaoFUKUSHIMA Masao
Hide details for 26th Airfield Coy (Japanese)26th Airfield Coy (Japanese)
Item - Recommendation for meritorious service (series AWM 82 captured Japanese documents): 27/12/1943
Hide details for FUKUSHIMA Masao, 2nd LtFUKUSHIMA Masao, 2nd Lt
Hide details for 26th Airfield Coy (Japanese)26th Airfield Coy (Japanese)
Item - Service record for 2nd Lt FUKUSHIMA Masao (series AWM 82 captured Japanese documents): 28/04/1943 to 01/12/1943
Hide details for 2nd Aviation Education Unit (Japanese)2nd Aviation Education Unit (Japanese)
Item - Service record for 2nd Lt FUKUSHIMA Masao (series AWM 82 captured Japanese documents): 28/04/1943 to 01/12/1943

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