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| Rabaul Area |
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| | Item - JA147007 interrogation report (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 22/2/1944 | |
| 10th Independent Mountain Artillery Regt Remaining Unit (Japanese) |
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| 10th Independent Unit (Japanese) |
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| 111th Flight Education Regt Airfield Bn (Japanese) |
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| 112th Line Of Communication Field Hospital (Japanese) |
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| 112th Line of Communication Hospital Ulingan Casualty Treatment Station (Japanese) |
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| 112th Line of Communication Hospital (Japanese) |
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| 115th Infantry Regt 1st Bn 1st Coy 1st Pl (Japanese) |
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| 115th Infantry Regt 2nd Bn 6th Coy (Japanese) |
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| 115th Infantry Regt 2nd Bn 7th Coy 3rd Pl (Japanese) |
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| 115th Infantry Regt 2nd Bn Machine Gun Coy 4th Pl (Japanese) |
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| 115th Infantry Regt 3rd Bn 10th Coy 2nd Headquarters Squad (Japanese) |
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| 115th Infantry Regt 3rd Bn 11 Coy (Japanese) |
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| 115th Infantry Regt 3rd Bn 11th Coy 2nd Pl 2nd Sect (Japanese) |
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| 115th Infantry Regt 3rd Bn 12th Coy 1st Pl (Japanese) |
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| 115th Infantry Regt 3rd Bn 12th Coy Headquarters Sect (Japanese) |
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| 115th Infantry Regt Communication Coy 1st Pl 2nd Sect (Japanese) |
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| 115th Infantry Regt HQ Signals Coy Field Telephone Pl 1st Sect (Japanese) |
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| 115th Infantry Regt Regt HQ Signals Coy (Japanese) |
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| 115th Infantry Regt Signals Unit 2nd Pl 1st Sect (Japanese) |
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| 115th Infantry Regt (Japanese) |
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| 115th Infantry Rgt Gun Co 1st Pl 1st Sect (Japanese) |
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| 115th Regt Communications Unit 1st Pl 2nd Sect (Japanese) |
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| 115th Regt Headquarters Signals Coy 1st Pl 2nd Sect (Japanese) |
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| 115th Regt Headquarters Signals Coy 2nd Pl 3rd Sect (Japanese) |
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| 116th Division 6214 Unit (Japanese) |
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| 117th Field Airfield Construction Unit (Japanese) |
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| 117th Line of Communication Hospital (Japanese) |
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| 119th Airfield Construction Unit (Japanese) |
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