Australian War Memorial - Database Records by Year and Keyword

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Database Records by Year and Keyword
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Show details for 19421942
Hide details for 19431943
Sub-Series - ADVATIS material captured in the Philippines 1944-45 (series AWM 82 captured Japanese documents): c1938 to 1945
Sub-Series - ATIS enemy publications (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 1941 to 1945
Sub-Series - ATIS material registered as B documents (series AWM 82 captured Japanese documents): c1928 to 1944
Sub-Series - Miscellaneous captured material (series AWM 82 captured Japanese documents): 1939 to 1945
Folder - Records of meritorious service for deceased soldiers from the 78th Infantry Regiment (series AWM 82 captured Japanese documents): 10/1943 to 04/1944
Folder - Reports and service records from the 238th Regt (series AWM 82 captured Japanese documents): 11/1941 to 05/1943
Item - Address book (series AWM 82 captured Japanese documents): ?/?/c1942 to ?/?/c1944
Item - Administrative regulations for the 9th Landing Party 2nd Coy (series Army campaign reports and records): 1/10/1943 to 31/10/1943
Item - Administrative regulations for the 9th Landing Party 2nd Coy (series Army campaign reports and records): 1/11/1943 to 30/11/1943
Item - Administrative regulations for the 9th Landing Party 2nd Coy (series Army campaign reports and records): 20/8/1943
Item - Army list of reserve veterinary officers (series AWM 82 captured Japanese documents): ?/?/c1942 to ?/?/c1943
Item - Army list of warrant officers & non-commissioned officers from the 26th Chôsen Unit (series AWM 82 captured Japanese documents): 01/12/1942 to 01/12/1943
Item - Army list of warrant officers & non-commissioned officers (series AWM 82 captured Japanese documents): 31/12/1942 to 01/12/1943
Item - Army lists of WOs and NCOs from the 20th Division (series AWM 82 captured Japanese documents): ?/12/1942 to ?/01/1943
Item - Assorted financial documents (series AWM 82 captured Japanese documents): 10/1/1943 to 29/7/1943
Item - Battle report no. 152 (series AWM 82 captured Japanese documents): 01/11/1943 to 30/11/1943
Item - Casualty records for the 38th Independent Anti-aircraft Field Gun Coy (series AWM 82 captured Japanese documents): 18/03/1943 to 24/03/1944
Item - Census of Japan, October 1940 (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 28/9/1943
Item - Certificate of illness for 1st Class Pte SAKAGUCHI Toshiharu (series AWM 82 captured Japanese documents): 10/01/1943 to 27/06/1943
Item - Descriptive outline of Saipan (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 19/9/1943
Item - Duty register for the 141st Infantry Regt in Burma (series Army campaign reports and records): 1/12/1943
Item - Duty reports for the 20th Division 1st Field Hospital (series Army campaign reports and records): 21/2/1943 to 28/2/1943
Item - Duty roster for the 238th Infantry Regt Infantry Gun Det (series AWM 82 captured Japanese documents): ?/?/c1942 to ?/?/c1943
Item - Health reports and shooting contest sheets (series AWM 82 captured Japanese documents): 04/04/1943 to ?/?/1943
Item - Historical documents for meetings of the 18th Army Ordnance Dept (series Army campaign reports and records): 21/8/1943
Item - Hospital admission slips for the 20th Division Field Hospital (series AWM 82 captured Japanese documents): 2/8/1943 to 31/8/1943

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