Australian War Memorial - Database Records by Year and Keyword

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Database Records by Year and Keyword
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Series - Army campaign reports and records: 1942 to 1949
Series - AWM 82 captured Japanese documents: c1928 to 1946
Series - AWM Japanese language material: 1927 to 1959
Series - Far Eastern Liaison Office propaganda leaflets: 1942 to 1946
Sub-Series - ADVATIS material captured in the Philippines 1944-45 (series AWM 82 captured Japanese documents): c1938 to 1945
Sub-Series - ATIS interrogation reports (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 1941 to 1945
Sub-Series - Captured Japanese diaries (series AWM Japanese language material): 1941 to 1945
Sub-Series - Central strategic instructions for Army operations (series Army campaign reports and records): c1942 to c1949
Sub-Series - Malaya and Java Army operations in the South West Area (series Army campaign reports and records): c1941 to 1947
Sub-Series - Miscellaneous captured material (series AWM 82 captured Japanese documents): 1939 to 1945
Sub-Series - Miscellaneous Japanese language documents (series AWM Japanese language material): 1927 to 1959
Sub-Series - Miscellaneous Japanese language propaganda material (series AWM Japanese language material): 1942 to 1945
Sub-Series - North of Australia Area army operations (series Army campaign reports and records): 1942 to 1949
Sub-Series - Post-surrender Rabaul material received from HQ 8 Military District (series AWM 82 captured Japanese documents): 1945 to 1946
Sub-Series - South East Area army operations (series Army campaign reports and records): 1942 to 1949
Folder - Eastern New Guinea army operations in the South East Area (series Army campaign reports and records): ?/1942 to ?/1949
Folder - General army operations in the South East Area (series Army campaign reports and records): ?/1942 to ?/1949
Folder - Solomon Islands and Bismarck Archipelago army operations in the South East Area (series Army campaign reports and records): ?/1942 to ?/1949
Item - 14th Army Field Freight Depot (Philippine islands) duty report for January 1944 (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 23/1/1945
Item - 18th Army record of operations: supplement and opinions (series Army campaign reports and records): 24/3/1943 to 15/8/1945
Item - 18th Army troop dispostion chart (series Army campaign reports and records): ?/?/c1942 to ?/?/c1945
Item - 2nd Tank Division Anti-aircraft Gun Unit orders (series AWM 82 captured Japanese documents): 2/7/1944 to 6/1/1945
Item - 65th Brigade combat report on Philippines operation (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 19/1/1945
Item - 8th Area Army record of operations (draft) (series Army campaign reports and records): ?/8/1945
Item - Address book (series AWM Japanese language material): ?/?/c1945
Item - Administration maps of Netherland East Indies (series Army campaign reports and records): ?/?/1942 to ?/?/1945
Item - Affairs regarding POWs (series AWM 82 captured Japanese documents): 30/8/1945
Item - Aircraft spotting journal in Munda (series Army campaign reports and records): ?/?/1942 to ?/?/1945
Item - Antagonism between officers and men in the Japanese armed forces (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 19/4/1945

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