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Item title: Report on treatment of prisoners of war
Title (romaji): Furyo shochi keika no gaiyô hôkoku
Title (kanji)
Location:Australian War Memorial (PR00943)
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AJRP details
AJRP module: Australian War Memorial private records
AJRP series: AWM Japanese language material
AJRP sub-series: Miscellaneous Japanese language documents
AJRP folder:
Location details
Institution: Australian War Memorial
Call number: PR00943
Inst. series: Various
Inst. sub-series: Various
Item: PR00943
Item qualities
Quantity / desc: 5 pages, carbon copies and handwritten in pencil
Access: Open
Item type: Unpublished, Official
Category: Administrative document
Item content
Creation date range (d/m/y): 1/10/1945 to 11/10/1945
Conflict code: Pacific War (1941-1945)
Australian unit names:
Allied unit names:
Japanese unit names:
Names: AIKYÔ Masao, Col; SUGINO, Ssgt; KANAZAWA, Lt Col
Languages: Japanese
Area:Miri [Malaya–British Borneo (Malaysia & Singapore), British Borneo (Sarawak)]
Content: This item is a carbon copy of a report on treatment of prisoners of war who were killed in the Miri area, Borneo, on way to Kuching on 9 June 1945. This report was written on 1 October 1945 by Staff Sergeant SUGINO who was the chief officer supervising the transport of the first group of prisoners of war in prisoner-of-war camps in Borneo, and it was submitted to the commander of the Japanese garrison in the Miri area. The report accompanies two carbon copies of lists of prisoners of war. It also accompanies a report written in pencil on 11 October 1945 by Lieutenant Colonel KANAZAWA to Colonel AIKYÔ regarding the concentration of Japanese soldiers and civilians to the Miri area, construction of accommodation for these people, concentration of arms in designated areas, and documents to be handed over to the Australian authorities.
Other information
Last modified:09/12/2005 12:03:07 PM
Source:AJRP staff

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