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Item title: Embarkation orders for the Shintama-maru
Title (romaji): Shintamamaru unsôshiki meirei
Title (kanji)
Location:Australian War Memorial (AWM 82 1/2/500340)
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AJRP details
AJRP module: Australian War Memorial official records
AJRP series: AWM 82 captured Japanese documents
AJRP sub-series: ATIS material registered as B documents
AJRP folder:
Location details
Institution: Australian War Memorial
Call number: AWM 82 1/2/500340
Inst. series: AWM 82
Inst. sub-series: 1/2/- Items registered by ATIS as "B" documents
Item: 1/2/500340
Item qualities
Quantity / desc: 6 pages, handwritten mimeographed copy
Access: Open
Item type: Unpublished, Official
Category: Military order
Item content
Creation date (d/m/y): 09/02/c1942
Conflict code: Pacific War (1941-1945)
Australian unit names:
Allied unit names:
Japanese unit names:10th Coy Infantry Gun Det
3rd Field Hospital
Names: SAKATA, Lt Col; FUJIMOTO, 2nd Lt; OHIRA, Lt
Languages: Japanese
Area:Finschhafen Area [Melanesia (PNG, Irian Jaya & Solomon Islands), New Guinea, Huon Peninsula]
Content: This item is a set of instructions for the preparation and sailing of the transport vessel SHINTAMA-MARU. It gives specific orders concerning the loading of the ship and the preparation of the crew. The last page is a duty roster for the senior officers aboard. This item was captured at Finschhafen in April 1944.
AWM 82 captured Japanese document details
Title: Embarkation orders for the Shintama-maru
ATIS number: 500340
Item status: Original document
Item type: Unpublished, Official
Names: SAKATA, Lt Col; FUJIMOTO, 2nd Lt; OHIRA, Lt
Names (kanji ):
Sender (kanji):
Recipient (kanji):
Japanese unit names: 10th Coy Infantry Gun Det
3rd Field Hospital
Japanese unit names (romaji):Dai 10 Chûtai Hohei Hôtai
Dai 3 Yasen Byôin
Japanese unit names (kanji)
Place of acquisition: Finschhafen
Date of acquisition: 04/16/1944
Other information
Last modified:03/05/2009 10:06:17 AM
Source:AJRP staff

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