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Item title: Industrial map of Southeast Asia
Title (romaji): Nanyô futsuin nanshi sangyô yôzu
Title (kanji)
Location:Australian War Memorial (AWM 82 1/2/500087)
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AJRP details
AJRP module: Australian War Memorial official records
AJRP series: AWM 82 captured Japanese documents
AJRP sub-series: ATIS material registered as B documents
AJRP folder:
Location details
Institution: Australian War Memorial
Call number: AWM 82 1/2/500087
Inst. series: AWM 82
Inst. sub-series: 1/2/- Items registered by ATIS as "B" documents
Item: 1/2/500087
Item qualities
Quantity / desc: 1 page, printed colour copy
Access: Open
Item type: Published, Official
Category: Map
Item content
Creation date range (d/m/y): 20/02/1941 to 01/03/1941
Conflict code: Pacific War (1941-1945)
Australian unit names:
Allied unit names:
Japanese unit names:
Names: INOO, Kôhei
Languages: Japanese
Area:China–Hong Kong
(Vietnam) [French Indochina (Vietnam, Laos & Cambodia)]
French Indochina (Vietnam, Laos & Cambodia)
Malaya–British Borneo (Malaysia & Singapore)
Melanesia (PNG, Irian Jaya & Solomon Islands)
Content: This item is a 1941 map of Indochina and Southeast Asia, showing major industries and industrial centres, with all place names in Japanese. It covers an area reaching from southern China to northern Australia, and from central India to Guam. Industries such as coal, tea, oil, rice and rubber are indicated in red ink in the appropriate production areas. The map also shows major road and rail routes, as well as shipping routes. It was authorised by an INOO Kôhei, and was probably captured in New Guinea in 1944.
AWM 82 captured Japanese document details
Title: Industrial map of Southeast Asia
ATIS number: 500087
Item status: Photocopy - original document repatriated
Item type: Published, Official
Names: INOO, Kôhei
Names (kanji ):
Sender (kanji):
Recipient (kanji):
Japanese unit names:
Japanese unit names (romaji):
Japanese unit names (kanji)
Place of acquisition:
Date of acquisition:
Other information
Last modified:03/05/2009 10:07:50 AM
Source:AJRP staff

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