Yamamoto Road Construction Unit Nakamura Section (Japanese)
Yazawa Unit HQ (Japanese)
Yazawa Unit (Japanese)
Yokosuka 5th Special Naval Landing Party (Japanese)
Yokosuka 5th Special Naval Landing Party (Tsukioka Unit) (Japanese)
(Yazawa Unit) (Japanese)
Aiyo Maru (Japanese)
Kotoku Maru (Japanese)
Musashi (Japanese)
Shinai Maru (Japanese)
Terutsuki (Japanese)
Yamato (Japanese)
Buso River–Finschhafen Area
The AJRP has wound up its activities at the Memorial for the moment.
Please contact the relevant officer of the Australian War Memorial for assistance.
Internet implementation by Fulton Technology and AJRP staff .
Visit the Australian War Memorial home page.