14th Army Watari Group Staff Sect Counter-intelligence Squad (Japanese)
16th Div Headquarters Kaki Force (Japanese)
16th Div (Japanese)
16th Division Headquarters Kaki Group (Japanese)
16th Division HQ I 6551 Force (Japanese)
16th Division Signal Unit Kaki 6560 Force (Japanese)
1st Div HQ (Japanese)
22nd Field Artillery Regt (Japanese)
35th Army HQ Nao Group (Japanese)
35th Army HQ Nao (Sho) Group (Japanese)
35th Army NAO Group HQ (Japanese)
35th Army Nao Group (Japanese)
54th Airfield Coy (Japanese)
67th Line of Communication Hospital (Japanese)
HATAKEYAMA Kuninori (Japanese)
Lt Cdr (Japanese)
Naval General Staff 5th Sect (Japanese)
Southwest Area Fleet HQ (Japanese)
Takloban MP Sect (Japanese)
The AJRP has wound up its activities at the Memorial for the moment.
Please contact the relevant officer of the Australian War Memorial for assistance.
Internet implementation by Fulton Technology and AJRP staff .
Visit the Australian War Memorial home page.