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| Kwajelein Island |
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| Nauru |
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| Oahu |
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| 102nd Infantry Regt 2nd Bn (Japanese) |
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| 112th Line of Communication Hospital (Japanese) |
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| 11th Wewak Transport Convoy (Japanese) |
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| 123rd Infantry Regiment (Japanese) |
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| 123rd Line of Communication Hospital (Japanese) |
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| 12th Air Fleet HQ (Japanese) |
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| 14th Area Army Shobu Group (Japanese) |
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| 14th Area Army Watari Group (Japanese) |
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| 15th Independent Engineer Regt (Japanese) |
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| 18th Army 54th Line of Communication Unit (Japanese) |
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| 1st Division 10th Anti-aircraft Artillery Coy (Japanese) |
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| 1st Fleet (Japanese) |
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| 1st Telegraph Regt Conscript Reserve (Japanese) |
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| 20th Div 78th Infantry Regt 1st Bn 2nd Coy (Japanese) |
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| 20th Division 2086 Unit (Japanese) |
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| 20th Division 26th Field Artillery Regt (Japanese) |
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| | Item - Paybook for 1st Class Pte IWAMOTO Chôgo (series AWM 82 captured Japanese documents): 01/08/1941 to 26/11/1943 | |
| 20th Division 2nd Field Hospital (Japanese) |
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| 20th Division 78th Infantry Regt 1st Coy (Japanese) |
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| 20th Division 78th Infantry Regt 1st Infantry Gun Det (Japanese) |
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| 20th Division 78th Infantry Regt 2nd Coy (Japanese) |
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| 20th Division 78th Infantry Regt Conscript Reserve 1st Machine Gun Coy (Japanese) |
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| 20th Division 78th Infantry Regt (Japanese) |
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