Australian War Memorial - Database Records by Area and Unit Name

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Database Records by Area and Unit Name
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Item - What was brought to Kure by the Allied Occupation (1) (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 22/8/1952
Item - What was brought to Kure by the Allied Occupation (2) (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 23/8/1952
Item - What was brought to Kure by the Allied Occupation (3) (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 24/8/1952
Item - What will happen after the UN Agreement comes into effect? (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 22/1/1954
Item - Wheat and soldiers (1) (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 11/5/1957
Item - Wheat and soldiers (2) (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 14/5/1957
Item - Where have mixed-blood children gone? (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 19/3/1953
Item - Where is it going? - Kure's special entertainment area (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 6/3/1957
Item - White paper on cases involving UN forces (Kure) (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 29/4/1953
Item - White paper on children at Kure base (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 26/6/1953
Item - White paper on crime by BCOF (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 28/4/1953
Item - White paper on crimes committed by the Occupation Forces in 1953 (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 9/2/1954
Item - White paper on crimes committed by the Occupation Forces in Kure (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 23/8/1952
Item - White paper on employment and unemployment in Kure (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 13/9/1955
Item - Who pays compensation, BCOF or the Japanese government? (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 9/9/1952
Item - Why no prosecutions for crimes by UN forces? (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 10/7/1953
Item - Why no punishment for foreign servicemen indicted by Japanese authorities (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 8/7/1953
Item - Wife demands compensation after murder of husband by black soldier (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 22/2/1953
Item - Will the Kure military port be re-established? (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 27/4/1952
Item - Will withdrawal of BCOF be completed by the end of November? (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 11/9/1956
Item - Wish for a mixed-blood infant (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 12/4/1956
Item - Withdrawal from Kure becomes certain? A crisis for 10,000 labourers (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 27/7/1953
Item - Withdrawal of Australian forces will leave 10,000 jobless (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 31/5/1950
Item - Withdrawal of BCOF and disposal of national assets (series BCOF related documents): ?/9/1956
Item - Withdrawal of BCOF from Japan? (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 15/2/1956
Item - Withdrawal of BCOF from Kure (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 7/10/1956
Item - Withdrawal of BCOF has commenced (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 24/3/1956
Item - Withdrawal of BCOF to be completed by the end of November (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 12/9/1956
Item - Withdrawal of BCOF to result in serious unemployment (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 27/11/1948
Item - Withdrawal of BCOF (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 28/5/1950

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