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| Fukuoka Prefecture |
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| Gifu Prefecture |
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| Hamamatsu |
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| Hiro |
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| Hokkaidô |
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| Hsin-chu |
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| Hyôgo Prefecture |
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| Ishikawa Prefecture |
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| Iwate Prefecture |
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| Japan–Formosa |
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| 112th Line of Communication Hospital (Japanese) |
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| | Item - Personal records for non-commissioned officers (series AWM 82 captured Japanese documents): 08/12/1941 to ?/?/1942 | |
| 141st Infantry Regt 1st Bn 3rd Coy 1st Pl (Japanese) |
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| 141st Infantry Regt 2nd Bn 5th Coy (Japanese) |
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| 141st Infantry Regt Regimental HQ (Japanese) |
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| 144th Infantry Regt 2nd Bn Artillery Pl (Japanese) |
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| 1st Independent Garrison Bn (Japanese) |
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| 38th Airfield Bn 1st Maintenance Coy (Japanese) |
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| 49th Anchorage Unit (Japanese) |
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