Australian War Memorial - Database Records by Area and Year

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Database Records by Area and Year
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Item - JA145585 supplementary interrogation report (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 21/1/1944
Hide details for Kairiru IslandKairiru Island
Hide details for 19441944
Item - JA148091 interrogation report (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 13/8/1944
Hide details for KalikodobuKalikodobu
Hide details for 19431943
Item - YAMASHITA Nobuyuki interrogation report (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 23/2/1943
Hide details for KamkamunKamkamun
Hide details for 19431943
Item - 51st Division tactical plan Lae-Salamaua areas (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 4/11/1943
Hide details for Kanomi BeachKanomi Beach
Hide details for 19441944
Item - JA145661 interrogation report (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 22/2/1944
Item - JA145712 interrogation report (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 28/3/1944
Hide details for KarawopKarawop
Hide details for 19421942
Item - Military orders for the 21st Mortar Bn (series Army campaign reports and records): ?/?/c1942 to ?/?/c1945
Hide details for 19431943
Item - Military orders for the 21st Mortar Bn (series Army campaign reports and records): ?/?/c1942 to ?/?/c1945
Hide details for 19441944
Item - Military orders for the 21st Mortar Bn (series Army campaign reports and records): ?/?/c1942 to ?/?/c1945
Item - War diary for the 50th Construction Duty Coy (series Army campaign reports and records): 1/2/1944 to 29/2/1944
Hide details for 19451945
Item - Military orders for the 21st Mortar Bn (series Army campaign reports and records): ?/?/c1942 to ?/?/c1945
Hide details for Karkar IslandKarkar Island
Hide details for 19431943
Item - War diary for the 27th Field Automobile Depot (series Army campaign reports and records): 1/11/1943 to 30/11/1944
Hide details for 19441944
Item - War diary for the 27th Field Automobile Depot (series Army campaign reports and records): 1/11/1943 to 30/11/1944
Show details for KatikaKatika

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