Australian War Memorial - Database Records by Category and Keyword

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Database Records by Category and Keyword
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Item - 22nd Airfield Battalion: orders and bulletins (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 4/2/1944
Item - 2nd Tank Division Anti-aircraft Gun Unit orders (series AWM 82 captured Japanese documents): 2/7/1944 to 6/1/1945
Item - 3rd Southern Expeditionary Fleet secret order no. 184 (series AWM 82 captured Japanese documents): 21/12/1944
Item - 51st Division tactical plan Lae-Salamaua areas (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 4/11/1943
Item - Advance fleet orders for the 21st Independent Mixed Bde Engineer Unit (series Army campaign reports and records): 31/1/c1943 to 31/1/c1944
Item - Air intelligence operation orders (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 5/4/1944
Item - Amount and condition of chemical warfare equipment, 51st Division (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 23/4/1944
Item - Battle report and barracks diagram for Wangmaoshen (series AWM 82 captured Japanese documents): ?/?/c1941 to ?/?/c1942
Item - Copy of orders and administrative notices (series AWM 82 captured Japanese documents): 12/1/c1944 to 18/1/c1945
Item - Daily orders for the 115th Infantry Regt (series Army campaign reports and records): ?/?/1943
Item - Daily orders for the 20th Engineer Regt 2nd Coy (series Army campaign reports and records): 1/10/1943 to 31/10/1943
Item - Daily orders for the 31st Independent Field Artillery Coy (series Army campaign reports and records): ?/?/1943
Item - Daily orders for the 38th Mountain Artillery Regt (series Army campaign reports and records): 8/1/1943 to 18/1/1943
Item - Daily orders for the Lae Construction Unit (series Army campaign reports and records): 15/12/1942 to 28/7/1943
Item - Embarkation orders for the Shintama-maru (series AWM 82 captured Japanese documents): 09/02/c1942
Item - Establishment of military regulations for the 8th Area Army (series AWM 82 captured Japanese documents): 15/12/1942
Item - Field diary and operation orders (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 25/3/1944
Item - File of 30th Independent Engineer Regiment operational orders, 13 February – 6 June 1943 (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 16/11/1943
Item - File of company orders (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 1/2/1944
Item - File of daily orders and reports, 51st Division (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 28/2/1944
Item - File of operations orders, Ogawa Unit (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 9/1/1944
Item - Historical documents on the operations (series Army campaign reports and records): ?/?/1942
Item - Military and operation orders for the 65th Bde (series Army campaign reports and records): ?/?/1943
Item - Military and operations orders for the Tanoura Guard Area Unit (series Army campaign reports and records): ?/?/1944
Item - Military order telegraphs for the 8th Area Army vol. 1-2 (series Army campaign reports and records): ?/?/1943
Item - Military orders for operations of the South Seas Force (series Army campaign reports and records): 16/8/1942 to 15/10/1942
Item - Military orders for operations of the South Seas Force (series Army campaign reports and records): 2/10/1942 to 7/11/1942
Item - Military orders for operations of the South Seas Force (series Army campaign reports and records): ?/10/1942 to ?/?/c1943
Item - Military orders for the 115th Infantry Regt (series Army campaign reports and records): 21/6/c1944 to 24/6/c1944

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