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Database Records by Category and Keyword
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Item - 300 BCOF labourers notified of dismissal and more to come (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 22/10/1955
Item - 300 million yen for employment policies (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 20/10/1955
Item - 30% of dismissed BCOF labourers have already found new jobs (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 14/9/1956
Item - 50 applicants for one odd job - Job seekers jostle each other at the Kure Employment Security Office (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 18/12/1949
Item - 70 BCOF labourers selected for dismissal (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 1/12/1954
Item - A large number of BCOF labourers soon to be dismissed (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 21/11/1954
Item - A queue of 3000 unemployed at Kure Employment Security Office: serious unemployment problem (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 14/9/1956
Item - About 100 labourers to be dismissed (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 15/6/1955
Item - Absence of Japanese labourers for BCOF (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 17/1/1953
Item - Absorption of former BCOF labourers and Kure's employment policy (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 21/2/1956
Item - Acceptance of dismissals as of tomorrow (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 7/1/1956
Item - Administrative Agreement with UN forces and labour relations (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 10/7/1952
Item - All-night negotiations between BCOF and the Occupation Forces Workers' Union (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 24/6/1952
Item - All BCOF labourers to be dismissed by the end of the year? (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 23/2/1956
Item - Announcement regarding the direct employment of labourers by BCOF (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 29/4/1952
Item - Announcements of dismissals continue from the beginning of the new year (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 9/1/1955
Item - Application now open for migration to Brazil (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 17/12/1954
Item - Approximately 1,000 labourers to be dismissed during January (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 8/1/1955
Item - BCOF's reply regarding the dismissal of Japanese labourers (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 12/10/1955
Item - BCOF labourers to be dismissed by the end of November (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 13/9/1956
Item - BCOF notifies the dismissal of 31 Japanese labourers (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 7/1/1955
Item - BCOF notifies the dismissal of Japanese labourers (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 21/5/1955
Item - BCOF proposes to reduce Japanese labourers (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 21/4/1956
Item - BCOF vehicle maintenance unit cancelled dismissals announced earlier (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 23/1/1955
Item - BCOF Workers' Union protests against dismissals (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 20/8/1955
Item - BCOF Workers' Union requests indirect employment (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 13/5/1952
Item - BCOF Workers' Union resolution on direct employment (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 20/5/1952
Item - Brazil: heaven for workers (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 26/8/1955
Item - Bright prospect for graduates of the Kure Employment Security Office vocational training centre (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 21/2/1952
Item - British force announces the reduction of Japanese personnel (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 6/6/1956

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