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Database Records by Category and Keyword
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Item - Special legislation regarding Kure and Eda Island (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 20/7/1955
Item - Time is ripe for a special legislation (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 8/3/1956
Hide details for LETTERSLETTERS
Item - Correspondence between students in Kure and Australia after young girl's letter (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 13/1/1950
Item - Tariffs on mail for BCOF servicemen (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 5/6/1952
Item - Major Magee to concentrate on lecturing of English literature (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 22/9/1955
Item - Reading group coordinated by a British major (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 12/6/1954
Item - Half of BCOF labourers will immediately be in financial distress in case of dismissal (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 15/3/1955
Item - Lowest standard of living for members of commercial unions (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 24/8/1955
Item - Survey of household economies in Kure (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 19/7/1955
Item - A diesel engine factory to be established in Kure (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 10/3/1956
Item - Employment policy to make use of former military machinery (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 9/7/1955
Item - Sale of BCOF's machinery (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 16/7/1956
Hide details for MARCHESMARCHES
Item - Grand military parade on Australia Day in Kure (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 28/1/1950
Item - Marching to 'Song for Apple' (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 27/1/1948
Item - 'Trouble' of international marriage (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 14/5/1952
Item - 500th international marriage - Mr and Mrs Arthur (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 19/11/1955
Item - Australian troops on top in international marriage survey of war brides (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 5/7/1953
Item - Departure of 40 intermarried couples from Kure on 12 March (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 8/3/1953
Item - Easy for Japanese women to enter Australia after marriage (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 25/8/1954
Item - Favourable view on international marriages (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 1/7/1953
Item - First annulment of marriage between an Australian soldier and a Japanese woman (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 9/12/1954
Item - First marriage certificate issued by Kure to a foreign couple (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 14/7/1953
Item - International marriages at the Kure base (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 30/12/1953

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