Australian War Memorial - Database Records by Conflict and Area

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Database Records by Conflict and Area
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Hide details for AmeleAmele
Item - Draft war diary (series AWM 82 captured Japanese documents): 11/01/1944 to 13/03/1944
Item - War diary for the 20th Division Finance Corps (series Army campaign reports and records): 1/7/1943 to 31/7/1943
Hide details for AmubaAmuba
Item - Certificate of illness for 1st Class Pte SAKAGUCHI Toshiharu (series AWM 82 captured Japanese documents): 10/01/1943 to 27/06/1943
Hide details for AnamoAnamo
Folder - Records of meritorious service for deceased soldiers from the 78th Infantry Regiment (series AWM 82 captured Japanese documents): 10/1943 to 04/1944
Item - Map of North Sumatra (series AWM 82 captured Japanese documents): ?/?/c1943
Item - Map of route between Aitape and Sissano (series AWM 82 captured Japanese documents): ?/?/c1943 to ?/?/c1944
Item - Record of meritorious service for deceased soldier HISAYAMA Takesuke (series AWM 82 captured Japanese documents): 16/10/1943
Item - Record of meritorious service for deceased soldier KANEMITSU Noriaki (series AWM 82 captured Japanese documents): 16/10/1943
Item - Record of meritorious service for deceased soldier MAEDA Mitsuo (series AWM 82 captured Japanese documents): 29/10/1943
Item - Record of meritorious service for deceased soldier OKUTANI Ryôyû (series AWM 82 captured Japanese documents): 05/12/1943
Item - Record of meritorious service for deceased soldier TAKAHASHI Shinji (series AWM 82 captured Japanese documents): 02/04/1944
Item - Record of meritorious service for deceased soldier UEDA Masakiyo (series AWM 82 captured Japanese documents): 03/02/1944
Item - Record of meritorious service for deceased soldier YOSHIDA Kunihiro (series AWM 82 captured Japanese documents): 09/01/1943
Item - Record of service for deceased soldier YASUTSUNE Hisato (series AWM 82 captured Japanese documents): 03/02/1944
Item - Register of deaths and casualties for the 78th Infantry Regt (series AWM 82 captured Japanese documents): 08/01/1943 to 04/04/1944
Item - Transport route map of the Vitiaz Strait Coastline (series AWM 82 captured Japanese documents): ?/?/c1943
Hide details for Arndt PointArndt Point
Item - JA145604 interrogation report (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 23/11/1943
Item - JA145626 interrogation report (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 31/12/1943
Hide details for Asia IslandsAsia Islands
Item - Map of Dutch New Guinea (series AWM 82 captured Japanese documents): ?/04/1942
Hide details for AwulAwul
Item - Military notebook for 1st Class Pte IKEMOTO Shigeru (series AWM 82 captured Japanese documents): 25/12/1942 to ?/10/1943
Hide details for BaibaBaiba
Item - Record of meritorious service for deceased soldier HISAYAMA Takesuke (series AWM 82 captured Japanese documents): 16/10/1943
Hide details for Ballalae IslandBallalae Island
Item - JA145557 interrogation report (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 23/11/1943

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