Australian War Memorial - Database Records by Keyword and Area

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Database Records by Keyword and Area
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Item - 4th Air Army operation orders (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 4/1/1945
Item - Air Sector Force Battalion Chemical Warfare Section (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 29/9/1944
Item - Amount and condition of chemical warfare equipment, 51st Division (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 23/4/1944
Item - Anti-gas instructions (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 16/2/1944
Item - Anti-gas medical equipment (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 27/9/1944
Item - Characteristics and use of red candles (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 19/12/1944
Item - Characteristics and use of red candles (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 19/12/1945
Item - Chemical warfare agents (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 21/7/1944
Item - Chemical warfare materiel (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 23/11/1944
Item - Collection of combat examples of the use of war gases (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 23/1/1945
Item - Commentary on international law regarding chemical and bacterial warfare (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 6/10/1944
Item - Demolition and sabotage and manufacture of munitions and war gases (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 20/12/1944
Item - Enemy chemical warfare capability in the South East Area from prisoner of war information reports (series Army campaign reports and records): ?/?/1944
Item - Explosives: chemical warfare detectors and decontamination equipment (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 30/9/1944
Item - Front line inspection and reconditioning of wet canisters (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 20/12/1944
Item - Gas masks used by Japanese military and their markings (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 23/9/1943
Item - Gas protection manual (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 30/4/1945
Item - Gas warfare references in Japanese documents (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 22/9/1943
Item - Handwritten notebook on espionage and sabotage (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 25/5/1945
Item - IKEDO Tomoichi interrogation report (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 4/3/1943
Item - Installation of anti-aircraft and anti-submarine defenses on transport ships (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 2/1/1945
Item - Instructions for Model 2 Detector Kit (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 27/5/1945
Item - JA145535 interrogation report (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 15/11/1943
Item - JA145601 interrogation report (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 22/5/1944
Item - JA145644 interrogation report (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 16/12/1943
Item - JA145715 interrogation report (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 15/7/1944
Item - JA147008 interrogation report (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 17/3/1944
Item - JA147587 interrogation report (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 15/8/1944
Item - JA147837 interrogation report (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 6/8/1944
Item - Japanese bacterial warfare (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 24/7/1944

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