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Database Records by Keyword and Category
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Item - 10 years on (10) - after night school (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 6/9/1955
Item - 18 mixed-blood children enter primary schools - Kure Education Board does its best (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 22/1/1956
Item - Children of BCOF servicemen on school visit to pen factory (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 23/2/1950
Item - Closure of schools shakes the military base on Eta Island (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 8/6/1955
Item - Education fund from Australia for half-Australian half-Japanese children (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 11/1/1969
Item - Education policies concerning mixed-blood children (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 13/5/1955
Item - Eleven mixed-blood children start primary school: Kure Education Board prevents discrimination (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 18/3/1956
Item - Entry of four mixed-blood children into elementary school (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 2/3/1955
Item - Excellence in Judô pays tuition and fees up to and including university (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 19/1/1951
Item - Five mixed-blood children enter a primary school in Kure (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 20/2/1955
Item - Holding a seminar by Ms Beck of YWCA (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 2/6/1947
Item - Japanese teachers visit modern British classrooms (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 10/2/1948
Item - Kure's education policies - bring them up to be cheerful children of the military base town (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 6/6/1953
Item - Kure's education policies for 1953 (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 6/6/1953
Item - Kure technical training centre (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 10/4/1954
Item - Mixed-blood children entering primary school (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 31/12/1953
Item - Mixed-blood children issue to be discussed by Kure Education Board (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 1/12/1957
Item - Mixed-blood primary students entering school in 1954 (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 22/1/1953
Item - Occupation base and children (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 22/1/1953
Item - Qualifications that could be obtained in the battlefield (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 13/5/1946
Item - Reference materials for instructing mixed-blood children (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 20/5/1956
Item - School for children of BCOF servicemen (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 30/3/1947
Item - Six mixed-blood children start primary school this year (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 12/7/1958
Item - Suggestions for education for mixed-blood children (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 7/5/1956
Item - Survey of mixed-blood pupils by the Ministry of Education (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 20/2/1955
Item - Thorough preparation for vocational training (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 10/6/1956
Item - Unemployment and technical education for "side-business" (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 14/3/1956
Item - Use of 100 vacant barracks for school or hospital? (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 7/4/1950
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