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Click on the triangle to expand/collapse the view, click on the title to open the document.
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| JA100045, Superior PO |
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| JA100046, Leading Airman |
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| JA100048, Superior Airman |
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| JA100050, 1st Class Pte |
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| JA100051, Superior Pte |
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| JA100052, 1st Class Naval-Air PO |
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| JA100053, 1st Class PO |
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| JA100060, Superior Pte |
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| JA100101, Sub-Lt |
| |
| JA130002, civilian |
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| JA130003, engine room storekeeper and oiler on a tanker |
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| JA130004, fireman on merchant ship |
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| JA130004, fireman on merchant tanker |
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| JA130005, civilian fisherman |
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| JA130022, Civilian Engineer |
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| Japan–Formosa |
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| Japan–Formosa |
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| | Item - JA130022 interrogation report (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 15/8/1944 | |
| Kagoshima Prefecture |
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| Kyûshû |
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| Netherlands East Indies (Indonesia) |
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| JA145064, 1st Class Pte |
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| JA145115, Navy Civilian Employee |
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| JA145117, Navy Civilian Employee |
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| JA145119, Labourer |
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| JA145121, Navy Civilian Employee |
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| JA145219, Civilian Labourer |
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| JA145231, 1st Class Pte |
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| JA145367, Navy Civilian Employee |
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| JA145373, Navy Civilian Employee |
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