Australian War Memorial - Database Records by Names and Category

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Database Records by Names and Category
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Hide details for HAYASHIDA TosaburôHAYASHIDA Tosaburô
Hide details for Address bookAddress book
Item - HAYASHIDA address book (series AWM 82 captured Japanese documents): ?/?/c1939 to ?/?/c1944
Hide details for HAYASHIDA UmeHAYASHIDA Ume
Hide details for Address bookAddress book
Item - HAYASHIDA address book (series AWM 82 captured Japanese documents): ?/?/c1939 to ?/?/c1944
Hide details for HAYASHI, 2nd LtHAYASHI, 2nd Lt
Hide details for Military orderMilitary order
Item - Orders for the 41st Division (series AWM 82 captured Japanese documents): 26/9/1943
Hide details for HIGASA Tadashi, 1st Class PteHIGASA Tadashi, 1st Class Pte
Hide details for NotebookNotebook
Item - Military pocket book for 1st Class Pte HIGASA Tadashi (series AWM 82 captured Japanese documents): 25/12/1942 to 09/08/1943
Hide details for HIGASHI Takeshi (Isamu?)HIGASHI Takeshi (Isamu?)
Hide details for CorrespondenceCorrespondence
Item - Postcard from YAMANO Kuniyoshi to HIGASHI Takeshi (Isamu?) (series AWM 82 captured Japanese documents): ?/?/c1943 to ?/?/c1944
Hide details for HIGASHIWAKI Seiji, WOHIGASHIWAKI Seiji, WO
Hide details for Service recordService record
Item - WO HIGASHIWAKI Seiji service record (series AWM 82 captured Japanese documents): 1/11/1942
Hide details for HIGASHIYAMA Hideteru, Coy CdrHIGASHIYAMA Hideteru, Coy Cdr
Hide details for Service recordService record
Item - Service record for Sgt SHINOHARA Kôichirô (series AWM 82 captured Japanese documents): 29/11/1940 to 01/11/1943
Hide details for HIGASHIYAMA NobuhikoHIGASHIYAMA Nobuhiko
Hide details for Personal diaryPersonal diary
Item - HIGASHIYAMA Nobuhiko diary (series AWM Japanese language material): 14/10/1942 to 21/11/1942
Hide details for HIGASHI, CaptHIGASHI, Capt
Hide details for Military orderMilitary order
Item - Orders for the 8th Independent Engineer Regt (series AWM 82 captured Japanese documents): 11/03/c1943 to 31/03/1943
Hide details for HIKIUKA (HIKIURA) Shomi, 3rd Class Engine-room HandHIKIUKA (HIKIURA) Shomi, 3rd Class Engine-room Hand
Hide details for Interrogation reportInterrogation report
Item - HIKIUKA (HIKIURA?) Shomi interrogation report (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 28/9/1942

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