Australian War Memorial - Database Records by Names and Category

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Database Records by Names and Category
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Hide details for ASO Tetsuo, Medical OfficerASO Tetsuo, Medical Officer
Hide details for MiscellaneousMiscellaneous
Item - Illustrations of edible and poisonous plants in the Bismarck Archipelago (series Army campaign reports and records): ?/3/1944
Hide details for ATSUMI Tamotsu, Superior PteATSUMI Tamotsu, Superior Pte
Hide details for Interrogation reportInterrogation report
Item - ATSUMI Tamotsu interrogation report (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 11/7/1943
Hide details for AZUMA (HIGASHI), Chief of StaffAZUMA (HIGASHI), Chief of Staff
Hide details for CorrespondenceCorrespondence
Item - Matters related to repatriation procedures (series AWM 82 captured Japanese documents): ?/?/c1946
Hide details for BANNOBANNO
Hide details for Newspaper articleNewspaper article
Item - Foreign residents of Kure - Shecy Banno finds the Japanese language is her main problem (series BCOF related newspaper articles): 4/5/1952
Hide details for BANNO Hideji, Lt ColBANNO Hideji, Lt Col
Hide details for Nominal rollNominal roll
Item - Address book (series AWM 82 captured Japanese documents): ?/?/c1942 to ?/?/c1944
Hide details for Bersons, J. GrahamBersons, J. Graham
Hide details for Administrative documentAdministrative document
Item - Speech at the UN Administrative Agreement signing ceremony (series BCOF related documents): ?/?/c1954
Hide details for Blamey, Gen Sir Thomas AlbertBlamey, Gen Sir Thomas Albert
Hide details for LeafletLeaflet
Item - Officers and men of the Second Japanese Army (series Far Eastern Liaison Office propaganda leaflets): 5/9/1945 to ?/9/1945
Item - Proclamation by Gen Sir Thomas Albert Blamey (series Far Eastern Liaison Office propaganda leaflets): 2/9/1945
Item - Proclamation (series Far Eastern Liaison Office propaganda leaflets): 2/9/1945
Hide details for BOMURA Akira, Sgt MajBOMURA Akira, Sgt Maj
Hide details for Interrogation reportInterrogation report
Item - BOMURA Akira interrogation report (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 19/9/1943
Item - BOMURA Akira supplementary interrogation report (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 21/1/1944
Item - BOMURA Akira supplementary interrogation report (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 30/11/1943
Item - BOMURA Akira supplementary interrogation report (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 4/10/1943
Item - BOMURA Akira suppplementary interrogation report (series Allied Translator and Interpreter Section (ATIS) publications): 17/11/1943

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