Australian War Memorial - Secondary Bibliography by Title

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Secondary Bibliography by Title
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Show details for Art in New GuineaArt in New Guinea
Show details for Artillery in TorokinaArtillery in Torokina
Show details for As long as I am alive in RabaulAs long as I am alive in Rabaul
Show details for As long as spirits of preparatory course trainees remain in the skies of the Solomon IslandsAs long as spirits of preparatory course trainees remain in the skies of the Solomon Islands
Show details for At Kahili coastAt Kahili coast
Show details for At the end of the sky and the sea: memoirs of the adjutant of the 1st Air FleetAt the end of the sky and the sea: memoirs of the adjutant of the 1st Air Fleet
Show details for At the position on the Kahili coastAt the position on the Kahili coast
Show details for Attack on AitapeAttack on Aitape
Show details for Attack on Port Moresby by the Tosa regimentAttack on Port Moresby by the Tosa regiment
Show details for Australian administration in New GuineaAustralian administration in New Guinea
Show details for Australian POW campsAustralian POW camps
Show details for Australian soldiers and Australian peopleAustralian soldiers and Australian people
Show details for Autopsy report on Admiral of the Fleet YAMAMOTOAutopsy report on Admiral of the Fleet YAMAMOTO
Show details for Avenue of pines in RabaulAvenue of pines in Rabaul
Show details for Background and realities of Japanese operations in New GuineaBackground and realities of Japanese operations in New Guinea
Show details for Bare-footed benefactors - Melanesians in the eyes of Japanese soldiersBare-footed benefactors - Melanesians in the eyes of Japanese soldiers
Show details for Bataan and Rabaul - footsteps of the 65th BattalionBataan and Rabaul - footsteps of the 65th Battalion
Show details for Battalion isolated amongst the enemyBattalion isolated amongst the enemy
Show details for Battle against the dark skyBattle against the dark sky
Show details for Battle between a gun and a Japanese swordBattle between a gun and a Japanese sword
Show details for Battle of the 38th Independent Mixed Brigade Artillery UnitBattle of the 38th Independent Mixed Brigade Artillery Unit
Show details for Battle of the 8th Fleet without battleshipsBattle of the 8th Fleet without battleships
Show details for Battle of the Coral SeaBattle of the Coral Sea
Hide details for Battle of the Coral Sea and aircraft carrier Shôkaku's anti-aircraft operationsBattle of the Coral Sea and aircraft carrier Shôkaku's anti-aircraft operations
NIWA Masayuki, 1989, "Sangokai kaisen to shôkaku no taikû sentô (Battle of the Coral Sea and aircraft carrier Shôkaku's anti-aircraft operations)", Taiheiyô sensô shôgen shiriizu, Maru, bessatsu (Testaments of the Pacific War Series, Maru, supplement) no.8, Tokyo: Ushio Shobô, pp.452-461
Show details for Battle of the Coral Sea through the eyes of the chief navigator of 'Shôkaku'Battle of the Coral Sea through the eyes of the chief navigator of 'Shôkaku'
Show details for Battle of the Coral Sea: a dual of Shôô in broad daylight Battle of the Coral Sea: a dual of Shôô in broad daylight
Show details for Battle of the Coral Sea: baffled at the startBattle of the Coral Sea: baffled at the start
Show details for Battle record of the Ro 100th Torpedo UnitBattle record of the Ro 100th Torpedo Unit
Show details for Battlefield in hell: memories of the war in New Guinea - ill-fated troops lost in a jungleBattlefield in hell: memories of the war in New Guinea - ill-fated troops lost in a jungle

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