Australian War Memorial - Secondary Bibliography by Title

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Secondary Bibliography by Title
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Hide details for As long as spirits of preparatory course trainees remain in the skies of the Solomon IslandsAs long as spirits of preparatory course trainees remain in the skies of the Solomon Islands
SHIBAYAMA Sekizen, 1971, "Soromon jôkû ni yokaren damashii aru kagiri (As long as spirits of preparatory course trainees remain in the skies of the Solomon Islands)", Maru, vol.24 no.2 (February), Tokyo: Ushio Shobô, pp.92-97
Hide details for At Kahili coastAt Kahili coast
SASAKI Kô, 1977, "Erebenta kaigan nite (At Kahili coast)", Soromon (Solomon Islands) no.8, Tokyo: Zenkoku Soromonkai Jimukyoku, pp.35-39
Hide details for At the end of the sky and the sea: memoirs of the adjutant of the 1st Air FleetAt the end of the sky and the sea: memoirs of the adjutant of the 1st Air Fleet
MOJI Chikanori, 1978, Sora to umi no hate de - Dai 1 Kôkû Kantai fukkan no kaisô (At the end of the sky and the sea: memoirs of the adjutant of the 1st Air Fleet) , Tokyo: Mainichi Shinbunsha
Hide details for At the position on the Kahili coastAt the position on the Kahili coast
TOMODA Yasouuemon, 1970, "Erebenta kaigan jinchi nite (At the position on the Kahili coast)", Sen'yû (Comrades) no.7, Osaka: Bo-tô Sen'yûkai (The Bougainville Veterans' Association), pp.29
Hide details for Attack on AitapeAttack on Aitape
MATSUO Hiroshi, 1995, "Aitape kôgekisen (Attack on Aitape)", in MORIYAMA Kôhei (ed.), Beigun ga Kiroku shita Nyûginia no Tatakai (An American Account of the War in New Guinea), Tokyo: Sôshisha
Hide details for Attack on Port Moresby by the Tosa regimentAttack on Port Moresby by the Tosa regiment
YANAGIBA Yutaka, 1986, "Tosa rentai, Pôto Moresubii kôryakuki (Attack on Port Moresby by the Tosa regiment)", Taiheiyô sensô shôgen shiriizu, Maru, bessatsu (Testaments of the Pacific War Series, Maru, supplement) no.2, Tokyo: Ushio Shobô, pp.37-51
Hide details for Australian administration in New GuineaAustralian administration in New Guinea
Taiheiyôkyôkai Chôsakyoku, 1943, "Gôshû no tai Nyûginia gyôsei seido (Australian administration in New Guinea)", Taiheiyô (The Pacific), vol.6 no.12, Tokyo: Taiheiyô Kyôkai, pp.69-70
Hide details for Australian POW campsAustralian POW camps
KONDÔ Sadao, 1968, "Gôshûgun horyo shûyôjo (Australian POW camps)", Sen'yû (Comrades) no.2, Osaka: Bo-tô Sen'yûkai (The Bougainville Veterans' Association), pp.27-31
Hide details for Australian soldiers and Australian peopleAustralian soldiers and Australian people
ÔGAWARA Yoshio, 1993, "Gôshûhei to gôshûjin (Australian soldiers and Australian people)", Kaigun Rabaul Hômenkai Kaihô (The Navy Rabaul Association Newsletter), Chiba: IKEGAMI Iwao, pp.13-14
Hide details for Autopsy report on Admiral of the Fleet YAMAMOTOAutopsy report on Admiral of the Fleet YAMAMOTO
Nishina Yûsuke, 1960, "Yamamoto gensui no kenshi memo (Autopsy report on Admiral of the Fleet YAMAMOTO)", Bungei Shunjû, vol.48 no.1, Tokyo: Bungei Shunjûsha, pp.308-316
Hide details for Avenue of pines in RabaulAvenue of pines in Rabaul
KAIDA Sadayoshi, 1993, "Rabauru yori no matsunamiki (Avenue of pines in Rabaul)", Kaigun Rabauru Hômenkai Kaihô (The Navy Rabaul Association Newsletter), Chiba: IKEGAMI Iwao, pp.44
Hide details for Background and realities of Japanese operations in New GuineaBackground and realities of Japanese operations in New Guinea
HORIE Masao, 1995, "Tôbu Nyûginia ni okeru sakusen no haikei to sono jittai (Background and realities of Japanese operations in New Guinea)", in MORIYAMA Kôhei (ed.), Beigun ga Kirokushita Nyûginia no Tatakai (An American Account of the War in New Guinea), Tokyo: Sôshisha, pp.230-235
Hide details for Bare-footed benefactors - Melanesians in the eyes of Japanese soldiersBare-footed benefactors - Melanesians in the eyes of Japanese soldiers
SAITÔ Hisafumi, 1988, "Hadashi no onjin tachi - nihon gunjin ga mita meraneshiajin (Bare-footed benefactors - Melanesians in the eyes of Japanese soldiers)", Jinbun Gappô (Journal of Humanities) no.203, Tokyo: Tôkyô Toritsu Daigaku Jinbun Gakubu (The Tokyo Metropolitan University Department of Humanities), pp.85-113
Hide details for Bataan and Rabaul - footsteps of the 65th BattalionBataan and Rabaul - footsteps of the 65th Battalion
Natsuyûkai (ed.), 1981, Bataan Rabauru natsubutai no ashiato (Bataan and Rabaul - footsteps of the 65th Battalion) , Fukuyama
Hide details for Battalion isolated amongst the enemyBattalion isolated amongst the enemy
MIZUMACHI Teru, 1995, "Tekichû ni koritsu shita waga daitai (Battalion isolated amongst the enemy)", in MORIYAMA Kôhei (ed.), Beigun ga Kiroku shita Nyûginia no Tatakai (An American Account of the War in New Guinea), Tokyo: Sôshisha

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